
Get Involved with your helping hand

Lend a Helping Hand: Make a Difference with Go India Charity Foundation in Bhubaneswar Nestled in the heart of Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Go India Charity Foundation stands as a beacon of hope for those in need. Since its inception, the foundation has tirelessly worked towards alleviating poverty, promoting education, and empowering marginalized communities.

Today, we call upon you, the compassionate citizens of Bhubaneswar, to join hands with us in this noble endeavor. Your generous contributions, however big or small, can make a world of difference for countless individuals and families struggling to overcome adversity.

Here's how your donation can impact lives:

  • Education:Provide disadvantaged children with access to quality education, opening doors to a brighter future.
  • Livelihood:Equip individuals with vocational skills and training, enabling them to become self-sufficient and break free from the cycle of poverty.
  • Healthcare:Offer vital medical care to those who cannot afford it, ensuring their well-being and overall health.
  • Community Development:Support various initiatives that uplift entire communities, fostering positive change and progress.


Donating is easy and secure:

  • Website:Visit our website at www:goindiacharity.org/ and donate securely through our online portal.
  • Bank Transfer:Make a direct bank transfer to our account details listed on the website.
  • Cheque:Send a cheque payable to "Go India Charity Foundation" to our registered address.
  • Volunteering:Donate your time and skills to participate in our various projects and activities.


Every contribution count: Whether you donate ₹100 or ₹10,000, your act of generosity has the power to transform lives. Together, we can create a more equitable and just society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Visit our website or contact us today to learn more about our work and how you can be a part of this positive change. Together, let's build a brighter Bhubaneswar, one act of kindness at a time.

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