
All You Need to Know About Rottweiler Puppies

Rottweiler puppies are known to be loyal and loving pets that can make great companions. They have strong protective tendencies, so they can be a great pet for active owners and those looking for an animal companion with a difference. Aside from their intelligence, loyalty, and protective abilities, there are many other important details about Rottweiler puppies that potential owners should consider before diving in.


Rottweiler puppies are quite large in size and require a good amount of exercise. As puppies they are full of energy, and while it is important to tire them out, they should never be exercised to the point of exhaustion. A good compromise is to take them to the beach for a long walk and play-time. Alternately, a few shorter daily walks interspersed with play-time and care will help to keep them happy and healthy.


Rottweiler puppies for sale near me