The question of who is God and what their nature is a complex one that has been pondered by theologians, philosophers, and individuals throughout history. There is no single universally accepted answer, as different religions and individuals have varying beliefs and understandings.
No one sees the wind nor air, but nobody can question the existence of wind nor air. All of us can only feel and experience it in many ways. We can identify and define God’s identity. We can feel and experience God in several ways whether we are believers of God or not.God’s form varies according to cultural, religious and the forms we are living as here on earth.
For Black people, God could be Black, for White it could be white. It is the same for Hindus. It could have eight hands. For animals, God may be a giant buffalo with four horns. And for Asian people, God has brown eyes and black hair. Actually, He could choose to be any or all of these things. I mean, we are talking about an entirely different way of thinking. Too often, humans tend to put exaggerated human characteristics on God, but that is like putting human characteristics on an atom. We have to think much differently.