Central to the Dance of Kali is the dancer's prop, a khanra, a curved sword unique to Bengali culture. Gripping the khanra firmly in their right hand, the dancer embodies the might of Kali and her role as the destroyer of evil forces. Accompanying the dancer is another performer who assumes the role of Mahadeva, also known as Lord Shiva, dressed as a renunciate in the garb of a sannyasi. The dance commences with the entrance of Mahadeva, lying prostrate on the ground, representing the eternal primeval consciousness of the universe. Kali then enters the stage, encircling the arena before placing her foot on Mahadeva's chest, symbolizing her dominion over time and the cycle of creation and destruction. In this posture, she performs a series of simple yet rapid dance gestures before breaking away and unleashing a vigorous and mesmerizing dance, twirling across the stage with breathtaking energy.