
Vitamin C intake has many benefits, but don't take it indiscriminately!


Vitamin C is a common vitamin in life, in various forms, easy to buy, but some knowledge about vitamin C, probably we do not always know. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin whose active ingredient is L-ascorbic acid. Its importance lies in the fact that it can participate in a variety of metabolic reactions in the body,天然萃取維他命C推薦 such as multiple redox processes, cellular respiration and so on. In addition, vitamin C has an important role in the prevention and treatment of diseases. It can prevent scurvy, treat idiopathic methemoglobinemia, treat liver cirrhosis, acute hepatitis and liver damage caused by chronic heavy metal poisoning, and can also be used for various kinds of anemia, allergic skin diseases, mouth sores and promote wound healing.

Vitamin C is not stable in the light, heat, easy to be oxidized and ineffective, so it should be sealed and stored in a cool place away from light, warm water is needed when taking,天然萃取維他命C推薦 and should not be available in hot water. There are also some foods that should not be taken at the same time as vitamin C.

1. Vitamin C should not be taken at the same time with animal liver, animal liver is rich in copper, iron ions, vitamin C is easy to be oxidized, such as copper, iron ions, can greatly accelerate the rate of oxidation, resulting in vitamin C failure.

2. Vitamin C should not be consumed at the same time with the milk company we eat, milk is rich in vitamin B2, vitamin B2 can be oxidized vitamin C,天然萃取維他命C推薦 the two at the same time through the taking, not only may make the vitamin C failure, and they will also have an impact on the study of vitamin B2 in the body to give full play to the role, can be said to be a "lose-lose"! ".

3. When taking vitamin C, don't eat too much cucumber, carrots and other vegetables. These vegetables contain enzymes that break down vitamin C, weakening its effects.

It is not recommended that you take vitamin C at the same time if you are taking any of the following medications because vitamin C can interact with these medications and affect their effectiveness.

1. There are some medicines whose efficacy will be weakened or even destroyed under acidic conditions, such as alkaline medicines (e.g. aminophylline, isoniazid, sodium bicarbonate, etc.), glycoside-containing traditional Chinese medicines (e.g. scutellariae baicalensis, ginseng, gentian, saxifrage, farnesol, zi hu, etc.), and antibiotics that are unstable in acidic environments (erythromycin, gentamicin, streptomycin, amoxicillin, etc.), so you should avoid taking these medicines together with the acidic medicine vitamin C at the same time. Taken at the same time.

2. Oral large doses of vitamin C (1 day amount greater than 10g) can interfere with the anticoagulant effect of anticoagulant drugs, causing the shortening of prothrombinogen time, weakening the effect of anticoagulant drugs.

3. Salicylic acid drugs (such as aspirin), barbiturates or paracetamol can promote the excretion of vitamin C, reduce vitamin C gastrointestinal absorption and bioavailability.

4. Sulfonamides, calcium-containing drugs, sodium cellulose phosphate and vitamin C combined with vitamin C can easily lead to urinary stones, or mechanical irritation and damage caused by low back pain, crystalluria, hematuria, urinary tract obstruction and other symptoms.

5. Vitamin C and some oxidizing vitamins (such as vitamin K3, vitamin B2, folic acid, etc.), can produce redox reactions, so that the efficacy of both weakened or disappeared. Vitamin B12 itself is not stable, will be destroyed by vitamin C. Large amounts of vitamin C can reduce the bioavailability of vitamin B12, thus causing vitamin B12 deficiency.

6. long-term or large-scale application of vitamin C, can interfere with the action of alcohol withdrawal drug disulfiram on ethanol, making disulfiram effect is weakened.

7. Oral contraceptives (estrogen) can accelerate the metabolism of vitamin C and reduce the normal level of vitamin C in plasma; at the same time, vitamin C can increase the bioavailability of estrogen. If the two must be combined, the dose of estrogen should be reduced as appropriate.

Even if you are not taking any of these study medications, it is not appropriate to use large amounts of any vitamin C if you have any of the following major symptoms.

1. Vitamin C should be used with caution in patients with gout who have poor renal function because vitamin C is metabolized in the body to oxalic acid, which may lead to urinary stones or acute attacks of gout.

2. Long-term large amounts of vitamin C may cause excessive gastric acid and gastric reflux, thus stimulating the ulcer surface, peptic ulcer patients should be cautious.

3. Vitiligo patients should avoid taking vitamin C, because vitamin C will affect the activity of tyrosinase, so that it can not synthesize melanin, thus aggravating vitiligo.

4. diabetic patients should be careful with vitamin C. Vitamin C is a strong reducing agent, can be detected with blood glucose, urine sugar reagent chemical reaction, so that the detection of blood glucose, urine glucose content of low, interfere with the normal blood glucose measurement.

5. Atherosclerosis patients can apply large doses of vitamin C, can make the patient's serum cholesterol level, so should not exist in large quantities.

6. It should also be noted that pregnant women should not take a large amount of vitamin C, vitamin C can be passed through the placenta, pregnant women long-term large doses (more than 2 grams per day) of vitamin C will affect fetal development, the birth of infants with scurvy.

In daily life, some fruits and vegetables contain a large amount of vitamin C, fresh vegetables such as bok choy, leeks, spinach, peppers, cucumbers, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and so on. Fruits such as fresh dates, kiwi, hawthorn, grapefruit, strawberries, oranges and lemons.

If you eat a normal diet and have no special needs, a proper diet can meet your daily needs for vitamin C. There is no need to supplement with medication. The natural vitamins in fruits and vegetables are more easily absorbed by the body. A balanced diet involves eating more fruits and vegetables to get proper nutrition in a natural and safe way and keep yourself healthy.


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