
The Significance Of Psychosexual Disorders In Today’s Society

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Tarun Sharma @Tarun_Sharma2 · May 18, 2023



Mankind has apparently always felt the need to be close and to communicate with other people.

One of the ways to connect with others is to do so sexually and a close, satisfying relationship is often considered as the essential factor in adults’ health, ability to adapt, happiness and sense of meaning in life.

When we are unable to find such relationships with our partners that comprise of trust, respect, understanding and communication; all aspects of our relationship are affected- especially how we feel in the bedroom.

The common problems partners face are female sexual interest/arousal disorder, male hypoactive sexual desire disorder, erectile disorder, female orgasmic disorder and substance-/medication-induced sexual dysfunction.

Although we’ve become more open about sex as a concept, we’ve not been able to talk about all aspects of it. The mindset of people has changed to view sex more positively, but not the problems or dysfunctions individuals face around it, one of them being psychosexual disorders.

This causes them to stay silent about their problems and not seek help for it. Not only this, but there is also a sense of unacceptance from clinicians as well as diagnosed patients are not taken seriously.

This may cause them to feel more guilt, shame, and stigma regarding their problems, which are totally normal and valid.

It is an increasing and real problem of our time.

The primary cause of psycho-sexual disorders are psychological disorders or dysfunctions such as depression, anxiety, mood disorders, relationship strains, history of sexual abuse and other cases of psychosis such as schizophrenia.

An unhealthy lifestyle and certain medication like anti-depressants are contributing factors as well.

With the increasing verbosity about the role of gender identity and the separation of gender and sex, young adults, adolescents and even children are facing gender dysphoria. (The DSM-5 defines gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults as a marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and their assigned gender, lasting at least 6 months.)

This also leads to sexual dysfunctions, most of which are psychological in nature. Not being sure of one’s sexual orientation can also lead to issues. We need to keep in mind that all genders can be patients of these disorders and that even if you are in an exclusive, long-term relationship with someone, these disorders can still occur.

The typical age for the onset of sexual activity has decreased, thus making a wider age group aware and a patient of these disorders.

While reading about a case of a young adult with MDD and anxiety, I found out that due to the medication they were on, they had been unable to feel any arousal whatsoever and were unable to engage in sexually intimate acts with their partner as well. This caused a strain in their partnership as the cause of the problem went unidentified for a year or so.

Then, while they were in therapy one day, after much hesitation, they told their therapist about the loss of libido they had recently been experiencing. The therapist probed the person for more details and found that the onset of the problem had been around the same time as when they had started their medication.

The situation became crystal clear and through the correct intervention and support from their partner as well, they were able to experience libido and satisfy themselves and their partner.

Thus, we can see that these issues are more common than we think they are and have more triggers than known to the general population. Not only this,but the crippling lack of information among people also leaves them feeling confused, broken and even damaged.

Seeking correct help at the right time along with a caring and loving partner can significantly help in improving a patient’s condition.

Vishwas Healing Centre has been working with a success rate of 99%, with the aim to spread awareness about mental wellness and remove the stigmas related and the way the society views psychosexual disorders. Here, there are various healing modalities used to work on their issues, like counselling, psychotherapy, hypno counselling and more. Also working on finding the core issues, so that the person can lead a fulfilling life.

Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma uses an integrative healing approach towards mental health – Counselling and Psychotherapy with Energy Healing and towards psychosexual disorders. Not only working on the cognitive aspect but also from the energy aspect. Click here to know more – https://www.vishwashealingcentre.com/about/consultations/

Energy Healing – The various modalities like Reiki Healing, Lama Fera, Touch Healing, Distant Healing, Crystal Therapy. Know more about the therapies here – https://www.vishwashealingcentre.com/about/consultations/energy-healing-therapy-sessions/ 

Psychotherapy – A wonderful modality to find the subconscious blocks and reasons for psychosexual disorders and release them, so that an individual can lead a peaceful and happy life. Know more about the psychotherapy here – https://www.vishwashealingcentre.com/about/psychotherapy/ 

The problem is as real as it is valid. We, as mental health advocates should not shy away in asking our clients about their physical, mental emotional and sexual health to ensure optimum treatment and recovery.

In a country like ours where we are still shy about these topics, it is the silence that enables most suffering. Breaking the stigma and creating forums where individuals feel safe and heard is of utmost importance.

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