
5 Proven Ways to Write an SEO Friendly Headline for your Press Release

5 Proven Ways to Write an SEO Friendly Headline for your Press Release


Writing a video press release template is one of the most important parts of your marketing plan. It's also an extremely difficult task, especially if you're writing for a non-professional audience. Even if you have a great headline and make sure your text is well written, without a good title and topic sentence, it's likely that nobody will read it! However, there are several things you can do to ensure that people actually read your content by using headlines that are SEO friendly. In fact, these tips will help improve your search rankings as well as increase traffic from search engines like Google and Bing:

Find and identify your primary keyword or phrase.

The first step to writing a SEO-friendly headline is to identify your primary keyword or phrase. This can be done by using Google Keyword Planner, the Google keyword tool, or a variety of other tools that help you see which terms are queried most frequently by users of the internet.

Once you’ve identified your primary keyword(s), use it in conjunction with another word or phrase that will help reinforce its importance (e.g., “keyword research”). You can also use multiple words if they fall under the same category—for example: “best practice collaboration software solutions” vs “collaboration software solutions best practice".

Keep your title short and simple.

The title of a video press release structure should be short and simple. It's easy to get caught up in the details when writing the headline, but it's important not to use too many words or phrases that are jargon-heavy or ambiguous.

A good rule of thumb is to keep your title under 60 characters, so you can fit it into Twitter's 140 character limit as well as Facebook's 160 character limit (though you may want to shorten your titles if they're longer than that). If you have a longer title and can't fit it into those restrictions, think about breaking up the phrase into separate sentences that make sense on their own rather than just adding more words together: "We're excited by our growth prospects due to our new product line." This would probably work better than "We're excited by our growth prospects due out of our new product line."

Add a hook to your headline, to help capture the reader's attention.

  • Use the word "free."

  • Use the word "new."

  • Use the word "best."

  • Use the word "top."

  • Use the word "unique."

  • Or do something else that makes you stand out. For example, one of my clients has a new product called “The Uncloger” and it's an electronic plunger that works on all kinds of drains. That's unique! It also helps customers save money by making them feel like they're getting more than they paid for (and we need that) but still having their drains cleaned properly without having to call an expensive plumber or call someone else at home who might not show up until later in the day or week later than expected because there was no one available when they called first thing this morning before 9am instead after 10pm last night because everyone was busy working overtime at work instead going home early tomorrow morning due to severe thunderstorms forecasted throughout region over next few days including tonight where some areas could see hail stones as big as quarters weighing up around 3 ounces each measuring only 2 inches across diameter which means smaller pieces will fall closer together than larger ones so if you live near these areas don't worry about being struck directly but just try avoid looking directly into any direct rays coming from above ground level since those rays could cause blindness within seconds depending upon intensity level strength

Keep your title under 60 characters.

  • Keep your title under 60 characters.

This is a no-brainer, but it's worth repeating because of how many people make this mistake. The average headline length for press releases is 53 characters and only 5% of all titles are longer than 100 words (and most are much shorter). If you want to get the most out of your SEO efforts and help Google rank your site higher in search results, keep your headlines short and sweet!

  • Use an effective headline generator or SEO friendly keyword research tool to help write effective headlines for video news release distribution before sending them off into cyberspace where they can be easily seen by potential readers who may find them useful or interesting enough to share with others who also might be interested in reading more about what was written in this particular piece of content published online by a company named XYZ Corp., LLC...

Include the words "press release."

The first step to writing an SEO-friendly headline for your press release is to make sure that you include the words "press release." These two words are a signal that this article is newsworthy, and they will help you get more distribution.

When someone searches for a specific keyword in Google, they need to see results that are relevant to their search query—and if those results aren't written by journalists or other credible sources (like us), then Google won't rank them highly on its SERPs.

The same goes for Bing and Yahoo! Search: If there's no mention of your company or product name in the title tag of an article with a lot of keywords relating back towards those topics (like "social media" or "PR"), then there's no way anybody will click through until someone else does so first!

There are several ways to write an effective press release headline that will improve your search ranking.

There are several ways to write an effective press release headline that will improve your search ranking. The first thing you need to do is use a keyword or phrase that is relevant to your business. For example, if you sell software and your company name contains the word “software” in it then it would be wise for you not only to include this term in your headline but also include links back (or forward) from other sites where people can learn more about what they have available on their website or product page. This will help increase traffic and make sure people find out about all of the great things happening at [your company].

Keep It Short And Simple: Most people won't read through long paragraphs when trying get something important across quickly; so keep them short & sweet!


Writing an effective video press release distribution headline is the first step to increasing your search rankings and getting more traffic from Google. If you follow these tips, you will have a much better chance of having your content found by people who are looking for it.


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