Marriage can be considered a union of two people where they can share their thoughts, feelings, desires, aspirations and tackle problems together for a smooth and a happy life. It is not only a union of two people but also a union of two families. Both men and women have different needs; physical, emotional and sexual. Also, their lifestyles and the way they think differs from each other. In order to bring parity to their thoughts, physical, emotional and sexual needs, pre-marital counselling becomes necessary.
Pre-marital counselling is a form of counselling that helps to improve the relationship between two people before getting into the wedlock. In pre-marital counselling, efforts are made to mentally prepare the two for marriage and to discuss their expectations and make sure that they have realistic goals regarding the marriage.
Premarital counselling becomes important before getting into the marital relationship for the following reasons:
- Communication:
Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. A major goal of premarital counselling is to help the couple communicate freely about their expectations from their partner. It also aims to remove the barriers which stop them from sharing their thoughts and feelings with their partners. Certain communication strategies can be taught to the partners in order to avoid future conflicts.
- Resolving past issues:
When one decides to begin a new life, it becomes necessary to accept and overcome their past issues. With the help of pre-marital counselling, one can learn to cope with their issues effectively along with the therapist and move towards the direction of a fulfilled married life. As the person overcomes his/her own issues, they find it easier to understand their partner’s past.
- Alleviate fears related to marriage:
If your partner is anxious about what married life would demand, pre-marital counselling helps to overcome these anxious thoughts.
- Finances:
If both the partners are working, it becomes important to maintain a work-life balance. However, if one of the partners is working, a discussion about financial sustainability should be held during the sessions. Both partners should discuss their career goals and should be willing to put in their efforts to help each other fulfil their goals.
- Beliefs and values:
Pre-marital counselling allows for an open discussion about the different values and beliefs the person and his/her family holds. The partners are given a chance to communicate about their willingness to accept and adjust to those values.
- Decision making:
The counselling sessions help the partners to respect and support each other’s decisions. The decisions could be related to family planning, career goals etc. One must build a level of trust towards their partner to accept their opinions.
- Anger management:
The therapist can teach the clients better ways of dealing with anger and frustration through certain anger management techniques. This will also help in reducing conflict in the relationship which will in turn result in a healthy relationship.
- Eliminate dysfunctional behaviour:
Pre-marital counselling helps to identify unhealthy behaviour patterns and correct and transform them into healthy behaviours.
- Compatibility:
Assessments on compatibility are conducted during the counselling sessions. It is a difficult job because in the initial phase each partner tries to hide their negative characteristics and put their best face in front. It is also difficult to predict the way partners will relate with each other whether love or an arranged or an arranged-cum-love marriage.
- Ruling out diseases:
Sexual health of the partners is discussed and understanding is developed.
One of the biggest benefits of pre-marital counselling is that it helps the couple build better communication skills by discussing their past, present as well as their future plans openly. It helps them to tackle the challenges they might face in the future and together deal with them rationally, by accepting each other’s decisions. With the help of pre-marital counselling, you will enter into marriage with a framework for building a healthy relationship. It can be considered a safe space for individuals to share things that they are anxious or upset about with their partners. It can particularly help if one of the partners has been in failed relationships in the past.
Vishwas Healing Centre is one of the best counselling centres to help you work through the issues and help you prepare for a happy married life ahead.
Read Article Why is Pre-Marital Counseling at all necessary?
(The views/opinions are solely of the Interns and is there for general information and awareness purpose only. It is strongly recommended that people should always consult the professionals. Call us at +919899201645, +919911401645 to know more about appointments)
Vishwas Healing Centre brings to you more than 25 healing modalities along with counselling. Like – Psychotherapies ( CBT, REBT, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression etc), Energy Healings (Touch Healing, Distance Healing, Crystal Healings etc) and much more.
Such modalities work miraculously to help you deal with the issues and heal. We also provided Trainings and Workshops.
Know more about Marriage counseling (pre/post marital)