
Does your Mattress Affect Your Sleep Quality?

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Beds4Nights @Beds4Nights · Dec 2, 2022

According to a National Sleep Foundation poll, a comfortable mattress is essential to have a decent night’s sleep for 92% of people. However, many individuals still believe that buying a mattress is an expensive endeavour. We really can’t place a figure on a mattress when you consider the health benefits it can provide, such as helping you live longer, lose weight, and improve your memory.

Why Your Mattress Is So Important ?

A decent mattress provides the ideal amount of support and comfort while maintaining the body’s natural posture and spinal alignment, greatly improving the quality of sleep.

The sleeping surface is just as important to human health as sleep is. A perfect sleeping surface guarantees that we will maintain appropriate posture while we are asleep to safeguard our backs. While we sleep, our back’s muscles and ligaments unwind and repair themselves. Even as we turn while we sleep, a decent sleeping surface keeps the spine’s natural curve stable and aligns our ears, shoulders, and hips.

Sleep Experts on Mattress Sleep Quality

When we questioned senior neurologist and sleep expert Dr. Manveer Bhatia regarding the sleeping surface, she said “surface should be comfortable for a person to sleep. Every person’s body is unique and thus, they require a mattress that is comfortable to their body. Although there are new kinds of mattresses available in the market that will help in better support for the back. However, it primarily depends upon what kind of a surface people prefer in mattress for sleeping on. In the west people choose soft mattress and in India people usually choose a firm mattress. One out of many important causes of back pain and other spinal related issues could be sleeping posture, trauma, and obesity. Hence any mattress that is comfortable to consumer’s unique body, can be considered.”

“A mattress is so important since it’s the one thing that is closer to us than anything else when we are sleeping, during that one-third of our lifetime,” in the words of Dr Neil Kline, a board-certified sleep physician and a spokesperson for the American Sleep Association. “During the day, we can [consciously] adjust our positions and change our behavior, but at night we cannot. We really depend on our mattress,” says Bart Haex, a professor of biomechanics at the University of Leuven in Belgium and author of Back and Bed: Ergonomic Aspects of Sleeping. 

Mattress Sleep Quality For Emotional & Mental Health

Your overall health and wellbeing depend heavily on how well you sleep. Every night getting adequate sleep improves productivity and mental focus, regulates calories better, improves athletic performance, and reduces the chance of gaining weight. Prioritizing getting at least eight hours of sleep each night will also help your emotional intelligence and immune system.

Despite the fact that getting enough sleep is crucial, many people still have trouble having good sleep. At the end of the day, some people are exhausted and worn out, but when they get to their beds, they start tossing and turning because of the mattresses they have. 

Does your mattress affect your sleep quality?

Yes, a mattress effects the sleep quality. Mattress sleep quality is very important.

Your chances of getting a restful night’s sleep increases if you sleep on a quality mattress. People should understand the significance of their mattress as a sleeping buddy in order to get a good night’s sleep every night. All of these advantages and benefits like good mental & emotional health can be personally experienced with a comfy and supportive mattress.

Contrast to it, sleeping poorly on an uncomfortable mattress can be a problem. And we already know that getting bad sleep has a lot of negative effects. Your mattress can be to blame if you wake up sweaty or with neck, back, or shoulder ache.

It may be time for you to purchase a new mattress if your bed is either too hard or too soft. Both situations can cause discomfort and disrupt your sleep.

The right mattress bring all the difference between a restful night’s sleep and insomnia. A decent mattress provides the ideal amount of support and comfort while maintaining the body’s natural posture and spinal alignment, greatly improving the quality of sleep.

If you find yourself suffering form insomnia or facing difficulty in getting enough sleep, your mattress sleep quality might be the reason. If wrong mattresses are the reason for your sleep problems then speak with one of our board-certified product specialists that will suggest you the best online mattresses that can improve your sleep and your life.