Plantar fasciitis, a common cause of heel pain, involves inflammation of the tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes. This condition often leads to stabbing pain during the initial steps after waking up, which tends to decrease with movement but can resurface after prolonged standing or sitting.
The primary causes of plantar fasciitis are typically seen in individuals aged 40 to 60. Factors such as engaging in activities like ballet, running, or aerobic dancing, being overweight, wearing unsupportive shoes, or having jobs that demand extended periods of standing or walking on hard surfaces increase the risk.
Addressing plantar fasciitis by modifying one's walking pattern can inadvertently lead to other pains in the knees, feet, or back and should be avoided.
Although bone spurs visible on X-rays were once believed to be the primary source of heel pain and were often surgically removed, it's now known that many individuals with bone spurs don't experience heel pain.
Treatment options include anti-inflammatory medications, specialized exercises to strengthen the foot and lower leg muscles, and stretching routines aimed at the Achilles tendon. Physiotherapists can guide individuals through these exercises.
While injecting steroids into the affected area may provide temporary pain relief, it's not recommended to undergo repeated shots.
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