Marketing's main goal is usually to make more sales, especially online, but the competition can be tough. How can you make your online store stand out when consumers have access to thousands and thousands of products with just a few browses?
We've put together 10 eCommerce marketing strategies that will help your ecommerce stand out. These tips will help you build a brand and showcase your product in a more appealing way, reach your ideal customers, and make it easier for your customers to buy from you again and again. Let's jump in!
1. Optimize Your Store For Mobile Devices:
Almost half of all people who use the internet do so on their phones or tablets. Hosting a responsive website is a good first step. The next step is to optimize your website so that mobile visitors can enjoy shopping on it.
When mobile optimization is concerned, you need to take care of simple mobile payment options and integrations. This includes one-step checkouts, a dynamic web page design to fit different phone models, and a lot more to make it easier for visitors to browse.
Once you see that mobile website optimization is working, you can move on to building an eCommerce mobile app.
Need help with responsive design. Click here
2. Build Email List:
A two-in-one package that is easy to use and can be turned on with a website popup or nano-bar. If the visitors show interest in your products, you can show them the popup at the right time to give them discount coupons and special offers. Choose catchy copy and a strong call to action.
Customers tend to buy from you if you give them a coupon for a discount. By requiring an email address in exchange, these strategies not only increase conversion and eCommerce sales but also help you build a list of contacts for future email marketing campaigns.
3. Use Product Recommendations:
Getting more sales from your customers is probably one of the best ways to boost your eCommerce sales. When a customer buys a product from your store, you win. You can make that win even bigger by promoting similar products or by upgrading the product they already have in their cart.
It's a simple strategy that can do great things for your business. On the checkout page, you can use a popup or overlay to show the best suggestions that go well with the items in the cart.
To make your offer more appealing, you can offer a certain discount, like "10% off this product!" If you follow this marketing strategy, your customer can buy more products via cross-selling and up-sell from you.
Install WISER to display recommendation widgets on your Shopify store
4. Integrate Email Marketing:
Email marketing is a tried-and-true way to boost sales in eCommerce, and it keeps working year after year.
Email lets you talk to your audience in a direct and personal way, and it can be changed to fit different strategies and points in the buying process.
Also read - How to Increase Sales on Shopify in 2022
5. Integrate Exit Popup Offers:
Using exit popups as part of a conversion tool can be a very effective way to retain people on your site longer and get them to do something you want them to do. It uses advanced cursor tracking technology to keep track of what site visitors do so it can show them targeted ads at the right time.
Using conditional statements, you can control who sees what offers and when in a very specific way. This is a great way to turn people who have spent time comparing products into buyers and to keep them from leaving their shopping carts.
Need Shopify Expert. Click here
6. Showcase Real Reviews:
Customers are more likely to buy your products if you let them write honest reviews about them. In fact, 82 percent of people who are buying something for the first time look up reviews and ratings online. About half of people under 50 almost always read reviews before they buy something.
Some shady sites take advantage of the power of reviews by posting fake reviews or giving customers incentives to write good reviews. Smart customers don't trust sites that only have 5-star reviews, so if you accept all kinds of reviews – good, bad, and ugly – it shows that you believe in giving helpful unbiased reviews.
7. Advertise on Social Media:
In the end, if your brand isn't well-known enough that people search for it by name, you need a marketing plan to raise brand awareness and get people to visit your site. Paid advertising, like pay-per-click campaigns on Google Adwords and ads on social media, can be a very effective way to get people to your eCommerce site who are already looking for products like yours.
A/B testing lets you run small campaigns on different platforms and compare how they perform. Once you know what your prospective customers want, you can take your advertising campaigns to the next level.
Increase your social media presence. Click here
8. Don’t Distract Users at Checkout:
Optimizing your checkout process will make less people give up on their carts. This is one of the ecommerce marketing strategies that businesses often forget about, even though it may be the most important one.
You spend a lot of time building trust with potential customers, which you need to do if you want them to buy from you.
When you want to improve your checkout page, the next 4 ecommerce marketing strategies can help.
For example,
1. Different navigations that take up a lot of space on the screen
2. Fonts and colors that are hard to read
3. Moving images
4. Number of calls to action buttons with contrasting colors
Also read - Proven Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Ecommerce Website
9. Implement PPC Marketing Campaign:
PPC advertising, which stands for "pay-per-click," can be found in many places, but search engines are where it's most common. We'll look at Google PPC for this brief overview.
When a person searches for a particular keyword or keyphrase, pay-per-click ads show up at the top of the SERP. You'll have to pay a fee when someone clicks on your ad. How much you pay depends on how much you agree to pay through Google Ads, but Google's algorithm can also make it less.
PPC advertising is a quick way to get people to visit your site, but there are certain things that can go wrong. You can also use third-party tools, like those in the PPC Advertising Toolkit, to help you manage your PPC campaigns.
10. Create Useful Blogs and Other Content:
To stand out from the bunch, you need to give your products and services something extra. Content creation is still one of the best ways to do this.
By making content about your brand, you'll boost your website's visibility and SEO ranking, and you'll also be seen as a pro in your area. One of the most common and effective ways to do this is through a brand blog, where content can be shared through different social channels.
So, now you have it: 10 eCommerce marketing strategies to increase your eCommerce sales without spending a lot of time or money. Every strategy works well when it is put into place with the right planning and teamwork.
You don't have to try every strategy on the first day. Start your e-commerce business slowly and do it well, and it will go to great heights.