
Where to choose the RFID tag that suits you

Many companies may not understand RFID labels   and do not know where to choose the tags that suit them. You can refer to the following ideas.


First, the identification distance of RFID tags. Some companies have requirements for the distance of RFID tags, but some do not know. When choosing, you can ask the supplier to know clearly before making a choice.


Second, does it need to be waterproof, and is it soaked for a long time?


Third, the size of the label. When we choose the label, do we have any requirements for the size? Often customers want the label to be small in size, which is good-looking and easy to install, and can also be used for embedded processing applications. You can choose the appropriate size according to your own needs.


Fourth, what temperature is the label exposed to, whether it needs to be resistant to high temperature or low temperature, this is also what we need to consider.




What are the advantages of using RFID tags    

What should I pay attention to when purchasing RFID tags?  

How should enterprises choose RFID electronic tags