
Depression in the morning: Feeling depressed

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hundal @hundal · Feb 23, 2023

Every now and again, everyone experiences a rough morning. There are several causes for the occasional "waking up on the wrong side of the bed." Perhaps you didn't get enough sleep the night before, you're dreading a task you have to complete on a specific day, or you're under stress because of a current relationship or experience that is exceptionally unpleasant. The fact is that having a bad morning can happen to anyone. However, the morning hours are typically challenging for those who experience morning sadness.



It might be difficult to start each day off poorly, but there is good news. You can discover efficient strategies to improve your mornings and alleviate the symptoms of depression so that each day is better.


Continue reading to find out more about how depression may affect your life and how to stop the cycle of waking up miserable.

What Morning Depression Is?

While many depressed persons feel that their symptoms worsen during the day, many who suffer morning depression find the reverse to be true. At the beginning of the day, their depression symptoms are at their worst; they then progressively get better. If you've ever wondered why your sadness seems to be worse in the morning, this phenomenon is called diurnal mood fluctuation. Experts speculate that the circadian rhythm of the body may be the source of changes in mood throughout the day.


For those who experience morning depression, waking up feeling down is typical. They can be fatigued in the morning or have trouble getting out of bed. By the evening, people frequently feel more energized, and their symptoms have typically improved.


Clinical depression and morning depression have the same diagnosis. It's only one example of how someone may display depression symptoms.

Common Symptoms of Morning Depression

In addition to waking up depressed, typical morning depression symptoms can include:


  • Feeling lethargic when you wake up in the morning, even if you had a full night’s sleep
  • Struggling to establish a morning routine
  • Difficulty waking up or getting out of bed
  • Having little to no interest in events or activities you have planned during the day
  • Experiencing issues with concentration during the morning hours
  • Waking up in a low mood
  • Excessive sleeping during the day due to sleep deprivation

Is Waking up Early a Symptom of Depression?

According to research, many depressed individuals have trouble controlling their sleep. Insomnia and hypersomnia, which refer to excessive sleeping, are also typical signs of depression. Even if they are really exhausted, a person who is sad frequently wakes up early in the morning and finds it difficult to fall back asleep.


Anyone suffering from depression may have an early morning wakeup. Anyone with depression must discover strategies to obtain the rest they require because sleep and mood are closely related.

Possible Causes of Morning Depression

There are a number of things that may make someone's depression symptoms worse at the beginning of the day, while it can be difficult to pinpoint the specific reasons of these symptoms.

Poor Sleep Quality

Studies have shown that getting little sleep increases your likelihood of developing depression and exacerbates its symptoms. Lack of sleep can also mess with your body's internal schedule, making symptoms appear at strange times (like in the early morning).

Limited Light Exposure

The utilisation of light by the body to control our sleep-wake cycle. Your body's circadian rhythm may be out of whack if you spend the day indoors and don't get any natural vitamin D or sun.

High Inflammation Levels

There may be a connection between depression and inflammation, according to some experts. The presence of inflammation might change throughout the day, much like depressed symptoms. Someone who wakes up with increased inflammation could also feel more depressed at that time of day.

Lifestyle Changes to Help Cope with Morning Depression

When you're sad, it might be difficult to begin new routines, yet lifestyle adjustments can frequently greatly reduce your symptoms. Try to make a few minor, constructive improvements in your life.

Create a Bedtime Routine

Your body finds it easier to fall asleep when you go to bed at the same time every night. This might enhance the quality of your sleep, which may lessen the symptoms of depression. Establish a regular bedtime and observe it every night, especially on the weekends.


You should work to enhance your sleep hygiene in addition to keeping a timetable for your sleep. Limit your screen time in the hour before bed, and don't go into bed until you're ready to sleep.

Start Exercising

People who are depressed can benefit from exercise in several ways. Exercise has been shown to enhance mood and boost the quantity of deep sleep you receive each night, according to research.


One to two hours before bed is a good time to start exercising if you suffer from morning sadness. Your body should begin to cool down about 90 minutes after an exercise, which can make it easier for you to go to sleep.

Limit your Caffeine Intake

If you suffer from depression, you don't have to fully give up coffee, but you should watch how much you take. To ensure that the effects of the caffeine you take throughout the day do not disrupt your sleep, set a caffeine cutoff time.

Treating Morning Depression

Even though morning depression might be challenging to deal with, depression can be treated. For the best outcomes, keep in mind that patients frequently mix a number of depression therapy approaches.


Patients might receive direction and assistance from a therapist. There are specific forms of depression therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). It has been demonstrated that CBT for depression is very helpful at treating depressive symptoms.


Antidepressant drugs or sleep aids may be recommended for those with depression. The appropriate kind of medicine, when taken as directed, can help you control your depressive symptoms so that you can attempt to make healthy lifestyle adjustments.You can try treatment resistant depression delaware treatment, which is a nasal spray.

Light Therapy

Patients with seasonal affective disorder frequently receive treatment for their depression with light therapy (SAD). According to certain research, it could also help those who experience the symptoms of morning depression.


Not everyone has the same type of depression. You're not the only one who has asked why my sadness seems to be worse in the morning. Your symptoms may be reduced by receiving depression therapy, learning self-help methods, and engaging in self-care activities.


Avoid the negative effects morning depression may have on your relationships, your life, and yourself. Every day, you should have a terrific morning and a great sleep. Your mornings can be made better with assistance. The online counselling platform Talkspace can offer you the support you require. You may learn to better control your depression with the help of these therapists and programs so that you can resume enjoying life.

Spravato Treatment

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has not authorised a new antidepressant in more than two decades, but Spravato is an exception. Spravato treatment is recommended in particular for those with depression that is resistant to therapy (TRD). You could be eligible for Spravato if you are currently diagnosed with depression and have not reacted effectively to at least two different oral antidepressants.