
The First Resurrection of the Saints - Series # 2

September 17


Straight from the Pastor’s Heart by Dr. Hernes Abante 


Daniel 12:2-3 - “And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”

There are two kinds of resurrections mentioned by Daniel in this text; the resurrection of the righteous to everlasting life, and the resurrection of the unsaved to everlasting contempt.

The Resurrection of the righteous occurred twice: the first incident (not mentioned by Daniel), happened during the exact time when Christ died.  The graves of the saints opened but did not leave their tombs until after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

This was one of the incredible events that occurred during the crucifixion of Christ.  Matthew 27:51-53 - “And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom, and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; [52] And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, [53] And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.”

This initial resurrection of the saints was the first cry of victory brought about by the death of Christ. It was a message to the enemies that they were finally defeated at the cross. The thought the enemies had of crucifying the Savior as His final defeat did not happen.  I am confident that Satan and his cohorts clearly received the message that they began to plan an evil scheme to frustrate the works of the Lord through His servants, the Empowered Church. 

During those times, the graveyards were located far from the city and out from where the people lived. It was because the law restricted the living from coming near or touching the dead. It was apparent that the resurrected saints were divinely instructed to stay in their graveyards to only appear 3 days later, during the resurrection of Christ. Otherwise, people would be so affected to see their relatives coming out of their tombs alive. 

Who were the people who rose from the grave? Did the Old Testament saints live again? Were they the New Testament saints who were martyred during the time of Christ? Whoever they were, they certainly sent a powerful message of victory that the death of Christ forever defeated, not only Satan and his followers but the last enemy, which is death.


The Word of God was silent regarding the whereabouts and the activities of some of the Apostles during the crucifixion of Christ. What we know is that they left their Master during the trial. Some were there as mere observers. None even attempted to defend Jesus during His trial. Only John the Beloved remained to take care of Mary, the mother of Jesus during the crucifixion.

An overwhelming doubt and fear were in the minds of the Apostles that they decided to hide. But as they began to witness the incredible events unfolding during the crucifixion; such as the total eclipse at noonday, the veil being torn from top to bottom, the earthquake, and the resurrection of the dead saints; their faith was awakened. They realized there was no reason to be afraid. These helped strengthen their faith more when they finally decided to return to become fishers of men. 

Just as a believer who has turned his back away from God would feel so unworthy to be forgiven and be restored; the Apostles must have felt the same, that they decided to just go back to their former vocation.  They were probably too embarrassed and proud to come back.

But Jesus Christ was gracious. After His resurrection, He made several attempts to encourage them by going to the place where they were fishing. He appeared to them separately and several times. They even had a meal together until they were all revived and restored. 

Perhaps, you are like these Apostles. You felt so undeserving to be used by God again or perhaps there is pride. I want you to know that the grace of God is always available for those who are willing to be forgiven, restored, and to be used again.  By His grace, He will make you worthy. Just look at how Peter was transformed after his serious denial of Jesus. During the day of Pentecost, the Lord transformed him into an effective, powerful, and humble servant of God!