
Best Business Practices: DevOps Automation in 2023

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XDuce Corporation @Xduce · Dec 6, 2022

In this fast paced world, the technology is getting upgraded in the blink of an eye. So, in case you are planning to launch any particular app which according to you holds a unique idea but due to some reason you are delayed by one or two months, then there is a high possibility that you can see someone else in the market with the same idea as yours. Thus, your business idea gets ineffective and you miss the possible new opportunities.


The learning from this situation is that you have to maintain your speed with everyone else if you want to stay alive in this rigorous competition. DevOps is one such practice which allows you to optimize the whole process of software development cycle. As this helps to communicate over the differences existing in the different departments.it can be said that DevOps works as a catalyst for the software development departments. Custom Software Development services in the USA have been made easier after adopting DevOps practices.




Those were the days back in 2007 when the different departments which are involved in software development used to work in silos and get frustrated when something goes wrong. This is all because the departments used to have lesser feedback related to work of different departments. 


DevOps is a combination of processes, technologies, and a cultural concept that encourages software developers and IT operations teams to work together closely. Dev Ops is one of the best examples of integration of different departments, combination of creative technology and wholesome communication.




Advantages of DevOps:


A) Best Quality Product

When the development team integrates with the Operations team, they work together and share each other’s feedback and so the resulting product is the best in quality.


B) Reliable in Terms of Solving the Problem

DevOps is a method for ensuring that your software responds quickly and consistently to technical or operational issues.


C) Deployment is Faster

When the teams integrate and work then they are able to release the new features quite frequently which also make them alive in the competition.


D) Economic Production of Software

When operations and development combine then there are lesser mistakes, so lesser corrections and thus quite economic and efficient software is produced.


E) Encourages Flexibility

DevOps helps to make the software and the application scalable and efficient in the market.




DevOps evolved with the aim of breaking down the conventional ways and establishing an effective communication between the Development and Operations team. As mentioned above, it offers multiple benefits and has certain best practices to follow to have an effective DevOps. Below mentioned are the best practices to be followed in DevOps:


A)Develops a Collaborative Environment


The goal of DevOps is to improve collaboration and break down barriers between different teams like development, operations, and quality assurance. It aids everyone involved in the software development process in getting the product to market faster.


As both the departments are responsible for delivering satisfactory software emphasizing on the customer’s experience.


B) Promotes Agile Methodology


Agile methodology has been in trend nowadays as per which the companies assure to deliver the bug-free products and services. And in order to do so, they break down the whole project into small units and focus individually on all the units so that each part of the software is the best in its own way.


It also encourages regular communication between the client and the developer so that there is no gap between the client’s expectations and the developer’s work. The system overall collects feedback at each level and integrates them collectively.


Kanban and Scrum are some of the methods through which we can adapt Agile methodology.


C) Implementation of Continuous Integration and Delivery


If one wants to implement CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Delivery) then automatically all the processes get automated. The process includes coding, development, testing and launching. And when all these processes are self automated then it definitely accelerates the process of software development life cycle. Once the CI/CD is implemented, then it reaps multiple benefits to the software development process which includes:


  • A single repository is made which is easy to access
  • Helps fix broken codes first
  • Regular feedback is there
  • Automation leads to continuous deployment of the features

D) Regular Security Services


Security is the top priority of any organization as any kind of security breach will lead to huge loss of data as well as financial loss. The apps who are able to release the regular deployment are more prone to cyber and phishing attacks as their codes and credentials keep on moving in different environments.


Thus, just like automation of CI/CD, security automation is also a necessity , so it is a good practice to follow. Also, it is ensured that there is no security flaw in the whole process and users will be more confident to work on such software or an application.


E) Go with Microservices Architecture


Microservices architecture is meant to divide the whole project into small and individual applications. Each of the components has its own functionality and works independently. So, each of the units works as a stand alone function and all of them communicate through their respective APIs.


Organizations can easily use this set of microservices in order to speed up the whole process of developing the software. It speeds up the innovation process as well as boosts flexibility.


One of the best advantages of this architecture is that if a developer wants to add on some new feature, then they can easily do it without disturbing the other features or elements of the software in progress.


F) Regular Monitoring


If one goes with DevOps practice then they will get an advantage of regular screening of the on-going process of developing the software. Regular scrutiny helps to identify bugs and errors at the initial stages only so that it can be rectified then and there. This not only makes the entire process error free but also saves a lot of money for the related company or business.


Now there are certain metrics on the basis of which the performance of the app is measured regularly like what is the level of activity, lead time, what amount of work is remaining etc.




From the above points you can clearly figure out how important DevOps Engineers are. So, one should always look for an experienced person who can take care of all these processes and is well versed with all the steps of the software development procedure. Most businesses have already started adapting DevOps practices which have actually streamlined their overall operations. Also, this practice has made the procedure look very seamless and smooth.