LESSENED ALBEDO on company cosmos „imagery”...
2 layers - one different from another
„„Photo””: NASA
• – LOGICAL FALLACIES OF EINSTEIN WAS EXCESSIVELY „HELPER”. LOOK AT THIS: https://medium.com/@GatotSoedarto/top-4-reasons-why-gps-doesnt-need-einstein-s-relativity-895cabc6e619 “the system manages to work, even though they use no relativistic corrections after launch,” Van Flandern said. “They have basically blown off Einstein”
•Lighting (albedo & ground mirroring [I mean reflecting] of orange... – I examined with sun chrominance through my cheap GRAY filter...).
•//// & 0... of bgnd stars visible) inconsistency at „„photos””!!! One of more issues with similar cosmic images!! SUN LIGHT....WITH THIS (UN//)ALBEDO???!!!!!
•What on other images of Earth?? continents had NONEQUALS surface sizes / contours !!!! (external mat., NOT HAVING link to vid. – I don't do much / unnecessary browser bookmarks actually... & don't want to store crap...)
•NASA FALSEHOOD... spreaded across whole beast/babel system...
•Co(s)mic Gravitational lensing // Gravity pit / well???? No on above pics ha ha !!!! Light bending we observe a contrario, in Concave Earth phenomenons. But it is neutralized by C. Earth crust (surface) shape in Great Concavity (SEE CHANNEL).
TAGS #lensing #cosmic #nasa #agency #albedo #lighting #lie #deceived #stereotypes #searching #Truth #evidence #photos #optics #optical #earthfromabove #tricks #proved #findings #research #inconsistency #error #mistake #check #checking #analysis #indepth #inversion #falsehood #unification #light #bending #gravitation #well #pit #vacuum #color #solar #mirror #reflection #inequality #images #comparation #differences #filter #lens #horizon #midday #contra #versus #study #science #starfield #zero #contrast #effect #orbit #schoolofthought #hebrew #interesting #notes #studio