
Yoga Teacher Training India


I have personally done the course and can vouch for its efficacy.


Yoga TTC in India has become immensely popular in recent years. You can find this kind of training center every other kilometer these days.


The quality of these courses is not standardized, which is why I want to let you know about this course that I attended last year due to a friend's recommendation. The course lasted for 200 hours and was done at a yoga school located in Kerala called Amodagiriyoga. It was taught by a guru that had been practicing yoga for more than four decades. When we were not learning new poses, he would talk about various aspects of yoga including spirituality, health benefits, and so on.


The following section is a brief introduction to the topic of 200 hours of yoga teacher training.


Many different kinds of yoga can be learned. One of these is Hatha Yoga, which is one of the oldest and most well-known types. The basic idea behind Hatha Yoga is to make the body flexible, strong, and healthy. This form of yoga does not only focus on the physical benefits but also aims to create inner peace, and a sense of harmony with oneself and the world around you, as well as to help you with meditation and relaxation techniques. To become a certified instructor for multi-style Yoga in Kerala, you will be required to complete 200 hours of coursework in yoga coaching. Once you enroll in this coursework program at a college or university near you, you'll do several things including learning about ancient texts that deal with yoga's origins as well as its beliefs and values. You'll also learn about anatomy and physiology so that you can better understand.


Are you looking for a Certificate Course for yoga in India  Or Retreat program in india?


AMODAGIRI YOGA SANCTUARY is one such authentic and traditional school of yoga based on god's own country, Kerala, India. The school providing internationally recognised certification from YOGA ALLIANCE, USA.

AMODAGIRI provides RYT-200 certification by the end of the 25 days residential program. The program is designed in such a way that, you can learn yoga as in ancient style which is called "Gurukula samprathaya".


So anyone who is passionate about yoga can go through this program and can earn the yogic wisdom and teaching skills.

For More Details....

Yoga Teacher Training India


+91 8301973401