There are more than a billion visits to websites every day with footfalls increasing with new and active websites added every day
In the competitive world of websites, if you need to stand out you have to come up with new ideas and adopt the latest trends. With some research we have come up with some futuristic trends enterprise websites can adopt.
Chatbots provide round the clock assistance to customers and are instrumental in keeping the customers engaged. It can handle customer queries to a certain extent or direct them to customer service as and when required.
AMP has been in use since the inception of mobile-friendly websites. Bing Pinterest and Twitter have been promoting this Google-funded open source project. This is aimed at improving the performance, speed and user experience.
Push Notifications
Push notifications help reach out to a wide audience roping in the advantages of online marketing. They are useful in engaging visitors. Though there should be restraint in using it. Its basic functionality lies in keeping the user informed on customer related activities like discounts, offers, and sale.
Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
This brings together the best of mobile sites and native apps through technology. It is based on the evolution of the Internet integration of HTML 5. The same functionality and flawless user experience can be rendered to native apps using PWAs.PWA was introduced by Flipkart showing a 70 percent surge in sales, which is a testimony to its influence on online marketing.
RAIL Concept
It provides for good user experience. Rail is said to segmentalize UX actions and assign goals for each of them. It caters to designers who are more user-centric enabling fast loading and performance.
Motion UI
Presently websites are kept simple yet innovative with excellent user experience. It requires some dedication and research to make the website intuitive while increasing the traffic and conversion rates to your site. Motion UI makes use of animations and attractive headers which will make your website stand out.
VR and AR
AR and VR are revolutionary technologies that are capable of changing the landscape of website interaction. While VR can provide for an immersive experience in the virtual world AR can provide a realistic glimpse of the virtual world providing a better user experience. These technologies will not only invade the web development technologies but will also go beyond this scope and is expected to dominate the market shares.
Single Page Applications (SPAs)
Single Page Applications SPAs do not take time to load as they are rendered directly from the user’s browser. SPAs will eliminate the reloading of the web page when in use by loading content through javascript. They are designed to work inside the browser
Facebook and Gmail are two of the most popular single page applications.
Some of the emerging technologies that will find traction with web development.
Internet Of Things (IoT)
With the number of devices connected through IoT growing in the coming year, IoT will play a crucial role in the web development process with systems meant to control remote devices through their desktops and other devices.
Integrating remote devices will also help provide better services to the public through websites. This is already in vogue but with many more devices connected to the net, this will gain more popularity.
Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology will bring in radical changes to the thriving web industry, offering safe and secure transactions. They store data in different locations using distributes ledgers.
It helps keep customers’ data secure making it impossible to hack. Sectors that crucial and critical data will employ this technology into their system in the future.
Voice Search Optimization
Voice search is slowly taking over the text-based search. It is anticipated that more than 50% of the searches will be using voice in the immediate future. According to Google 20% searches done through mobile are voice-based. Voice search has begun to influence major search engines worldwide and there will be developments in voice search optimization.
AI and Machine Learning
AI has already found a place in websites making it extremely user interactive. Chatbots are examples of this. Google has already made huge investments in making it an AI empowered the enterprise.
More of AI functionalities will be incorporated with websites bringing waves of changes in web development.
JavaScript is used for developing dynamic web apps. It was the most used framework in the last year and will strengthen new frameworks in the coming year.
JavaScript helps in achieving adaptability for customized functions as it helps in the development of responsive websites. The ease of use makes JavaScript makes it a preferred choice for web developers worldwide.
Illustrations, fonts, and forms are part of the design aspects of web development but they are instrumental in making websites more user-friendly and interactive. Design trends should always be updated.
Illustrations convey messages with minimal use of text. It makes the site aesthetically and functionally appealing. The design element will continue to play an important role in web development this year and the coming year.
Typography cannot be ignored as such. Most of the business are identified with particular typography and the website must be in lieu of the business model helping meet the requirements. So this will certainly influence web development.
User Behavior Tracking
User behavior is studied through the analysis of various user interaction patterns. This involves analyzing the clicks and mouse movements. With competitions strife, this can be used to provide a better user experience.
This is expected to become one of the most popular trends among web developers. Integrating user behavior tracking in their websites will help enterprises to stay ahead of their competitors.
Some of the current trends like real-time web apps, Google Map integration, image sharing, image-related improvements, minimalist design, and functional programming will also find many takers in the immediate future.
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