Deutsche Telekom is a German telecommunications company that provides phone, internet, and TV services. Its main operations are in Germany, Europe, and the US.
During the 1990s, a significant restructuring took place, as the company focused on mobile telecommunications and information technology. Today it is a global leader in these areas, and one of the top ten companies in the world by revenue.
What is Deutsche Telekom?
Deutsche Telekom is a global, integrated telecommunications company and one of the world's largest communication carriers. It serves mobile and fixed customers worldwide through its T-Mobile subsidiaries, as well as through its Central European operations in countries including Slovakia, Hungary, and Greece.
In the 1990s, a major change occurred in Germany's telecommunications industry. The market was liberalized, resulting in intense competition for the first time.
As a result, Deutsche Telekom had to align its business strategy and processes with the requirements of international competition. Currently, 70% of the company's net revenue is generated by wholly or partially owned subsidiaries outside Germany.
In recent years, Deutsche Telekom has focused on providing a comprehensive portfolio of enterprise services. These services are intended to help businesses improve their productivity and efficiency while ensuring the security of their IT systems. These services also enable companies to adopt new technologies and processes with ease.
About Deutsche Telekom
Deutsche Telekom has been an internationally successful telecommunications and IT services provider for decades. It operates a global network that delivers fixed lines, mobile networks, broadband, IPTV, and digital content to more than 240 million customers in 50 countries.
Today, the company is focused on connecting things, people and data in a smart way for a better future. It is investing in the latest technologies, bringing together mobile, internet and IPTV, and offering secure storage of private data.
The company’s modern data platform improves fraud detection, customer relationship management (CRM), network quality and operational efficiency. It uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to identify network problems before customers notice them and to prevent fraud and threats before they affect business operations.
The company is committed to fostering diversity in its workforce. It strives to encourage women to enter technology careers, and is a standard bearer in Germany and around the world for its efforts to remove barriers to women’s participation.
The IPO of Deutsche Telekom was the largest equity offering ever made. The stock was offered at a time of extreme stock market euphoria, which made it very attractive to investors.
The company is one of the world's leading telecommunications companies, with its headquarters in Bonn, Germany. Its main operations are in Europe, United States, and Asia.
However, the company has to deal with a number of regulatory and legislative issues that can affect its bottom line. These include data privacy and security concerns, net neutrality, and 5G technology.
As a result, it is important for the company to be able to roll out new products that will benefit its customers. The company has done this by launching several smart indoor and outdoor devices that have performed very well in the market.
The shareholders of Deutsche Telekom are entitled to receive dividends for their shares. They can also vote for and approve the resolutions of the Supervisory Board or the Company's Board of Management.
The rights of the shareholders are limited, however. For example, the right to purchase treasury shares is limited to 4 percent of the company's share capital.
At the same time, it is important to note that the shareholders' rights are not protected against a change of control. That is, when a new shareholder takes over the company and does not agree to abide by the shareholders' agreement, the rights of the existing shareholders are lost.
The government owns about 43 percent of the company, and the private shareholders own about 20 percent. The state-owned bank KfW holds a third of the stock.