



Girls with Autism


Autism in Girls is a topic that is not talked about nearly as much as it should be. Autism is often misunderstood, and many people do not realize that it affects girls just as much as it does boys. Girls with Autism are often underdiagnosed because they can be very good at hiding their symptoms. This is a problem because many girls with autism go without the help they need. It is important to spread awareness about autism in girls so that more people can understand and recognize the symptoms!

Prevalence: Girls are 4 times less likely to be diagnosed

Girls are four times less likely to be diagnosed with autism than boys. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in 59 children has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)!

Girls are diagnosed with autism at rates much lower than boys. In fact, four times fewer girls receive an autism diagnosis than boys. There are a number of reasons for this discrepancy. First, the diagnostic criteria for ASD have traditionally been based on behaviors more commonly seen in boys. This means that girls who do not display these behaviors may go undiagnosed!

Barriers to diagnosis: Girls “mask” their symptoms

There are a number of reasons why girls with autism are underdiagnosed and misunderstood. One reason is that girls tend to “mask” their symptoms. That is, they may be better at hiding their autistic traits than boys are. As a result, girls are less likely to be diagnosed with autism!

Another reason for the under-diagnosis of girls with autism is that the condition is often associated with males. This bias can lead doctors and other professionals to be less likely to suspect autism in girls!

Finally, some research suggests that girls with autism may have different symptoms than boys with the condition. For example, they may be more likely to have social and communication difficulties rather than repetitive behaviors or intense interests. This difference in symptoms can make it harder for girls to get an accurate diagnosis!

Negative consequences of misdiagnosis: Girls miss out on vital services

Misdiagnosis of autism in girls can have far-reaching and negative consequences. Without an accurate diagnosis, girls may not receive the specialized services they need to thrive. This can lead to social, emotional, and academic difficulties that could have otherwise been avoided!

Girls with autism are more likely than boys to be misdiagnosed with another condition, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is often because the symptoms of autism may be different in girls than they are in boys. For example, girls with autism are more likely to be socially withdrawn and have fewer repetitive behaviors than boys with autism. As a result, their symptoms may not be recognized as autism!

Misdiagnosis can also occur when girls with milder forms of autism are incorrectly diagnosed with anxiety or depression!

More awareness and understanding is needed for autism in girls

Autism in girls is often under-diagnosed and misunderstood. The symptoms of autism can be different in girls than they are in boys, and girls with autism are often better at masking their symptoms. This can make it harder to diagnosis autism in girls, and Girls with autism may be more likely to be misdiagnosed with other conditions such as ADHD or anxiety. There is still a lot of research needed to understand Autism in girls better, but we know that early intervention is important for all children with autism. Find out more about how you can benefit from learning here at https://craftythinking.com/autism-in-girls/!