
Tele-Audiology In A Pandemic

Staten Island, US, Tuesday, September 14, 2021 - When looking at the pandemic that is currently affecting our aging population, we are starting to see some remarkable changes with tele-audiology practices. One such symptom is that individuals are not only losing the ability to hear, they are losing the ability to communicate. In a recent study, the number of individuals over age 65 who indicated the need for medical intervention in a three-month period more than doubled compared to the previous year. The same studies showed that there is a drastic increase in the number of individuals suffering from communication disorders related to hearing loss, which goes hand-in-hand with hearing loss.


There has been a tremendous increase in the use of audiologists in a pandemic setting. A primary goal of any audiologists is to assess and diagnose any hearing disorder, as well as provide assistance to patients in maintaining their quality of life. This is why it is so important to use audiologists in a timely fashion to assess and treat any patient who is suffering from hearing or communication difficulties. Audiologists can provide the same level of care as a physician while being in the process of treating a patient.


In order for an audiology patient to be sent to a remote location for treatment, several steps must be taken beforehand. The patient will have to arrange for transportation to the remote location and be prepared to provide any medical information that may be requested by the attending physicians. The patient will also be required to arrange for alternative transportation if necessary.


Once the patient arrives at the remote location for evaluation and treatment, the attending otoscopy specialist will carefully inspect the inside of the ear canal to determine any damage that may have occurred due to the hearing loss. Specialists in audiology are specially trained to detect damaged hearing tissue during one's regular exam. Once the otoscope specialist has determined that the hearing is not damaged, the patient will be scheduled for an initial consultation where a thorough assessment of the ear canal will be performed to establish if any hearing loss exists. If so, the patient will be scheduled to undergo an audiologists' examination to confirm the diagnosis.


Even in a case where there is no evidence of hearing loss or damage, audiologists' examination may still be necessary. In this situation, the patient will receive additional diagnostic testing to determine if additional treatment is warranted. In many instances, additional treatments are not needed due to the lack of damage. However, in other cases, audiologists will order additional tests in order to rule out possible bacterial infections. Bacterial infections can occur when the patient's ears are blocked by excessive earwax or foreign bodies such as foreign earwigs or combs.


The staff at a tele-audiology clinic are highly trained professionals. They take a personal interest in each patient, making sure that he or she is comfortable and thoroughly assessed. Teleaudiology services in a pandemic is an exceptional way for healthcare providers to address issues related to hearing loss while still providing relief to patients in a local area. Tele-Audiology clinics provide immediate care when it comes to all types of hearing disorders. By using diagnostic equipment and state-of-the-art hearing aids, the doctors at the clinic are able to help patients hear normally again.


Source: Audiology Island