Dr. Ujjwal Chugh, a name in millions with an ordinary personality, but carrying a sheer thirst to create a meaningful impact and dedicated to test his own potential. At his young age, he made the mirror as his true friend and that enabled him to transcend from Ordinary Ujjwal Chugh to less ordinary being with a versatile charming personality and now well known as a Young Entrepreneur, Digital Visionary & Realised Author. He is the Founder & CEO of ISOLS Group - A leading technology & digital company, and he has created an exuberant eco-system that has imbibed leadership in many youngsters and raised them from ordinary to less ordinary. Dr. Ujjwal Chugh is on the mission to catalyze one million individuals to transcend from ordinary to less ordinary. Dr. Ujjwal Chugh has been acknowledged as a Youth icon and true youth inspiration. At such a young age he has achieved & manifested a lot of successful milestones & clarity about life, and that is why he is also known as one of the best motivational speakers in India. He is among top impactful personalities and young leaders in the world whose name is not too wide-spread but their works are commendable and really deserve an applaud. https://www.ujjwalchugh.com/