
Artifical Lubricants For Intercourse

When things dry up, and sex is uncomfortable, you need some added moisture....this is when artificial lubricants are just the job.

When things dry up, and sex is uncomfortable, you need some added moisture....this is when artificial lubricants are just the job.


There are lots of reasons why couples use artificial lubricants for sexual intercourse. A couple may find that it helps smooth sex after the menopause, or when they just want some extra excitement. When a woman's vagina is rather dry, sex can start more easily, or a couple may just the way that it enhances sex from start to finish. For some couples, lubes are a "must have" product that they cannot enjoy sex without, while for others it is simply a lovely way to improve intimacy. See www.sex-techniques-and-positions.com

As women get older, and especially after the menopause, they may need added lubricant to be able to enjoy sex without soreness and discomfort. The aging process can reduce sexual relations because of low libido - but using lube can often kick start sex by making it more enjoyable. There's a choice of enriched lubricants and normal basic ones. An older couple, just needing a little extra smoothness, may be happy with a regular gel, while a younger couple who may want to experiment with prolonged sex or even anal pleasure may wish to try a few of the thicker and longer lasting products.

Lubricants during sex can also "kick start" the libido of some menopausal and pre-menopausal women. When a woman has a hard time becoming sexually aroused, she may wish to start sex anyway, as she may get aroused during intercourse. In such a situation, a sexual lubricant would undoubtedly help with a sexual encounter. When couples experience sexual frustration because of a lack of libido, it can therefore often be helpful to try using a lubricant: enjoying the act of sex, with lube, may stimulate the mind and body into wanting sex.

For the best results, a small amount of lube is recommended (except if you are enjoying anal pleasure), so use no more than a dime-sized amount, at least to start with. If you use too much you can produce a loss of friction and stimulation - while a good lubricant is always better than none, too much is often unhelpful. 

It is important to use a good quality lube. The ingredients in oils, or even foods (cream or butter for example), may lead to a woman having a yeast infection. If a moisture rich substance is required during sex, it should be a product designed for the purpose - aloe vera, perhaps, or polymers tested and known to be safe. A generous container of lubricants for intercourse should last a couple for months when a small amount of lube is used each time you enjoy sex. There may be sample sizes that you can buy to experiment with and find out which you like best. 

When artificial lubricants for sexual intercourse are to be used, you'll find there are plenty of brands and textures available. Some mixtures are designed to warm the body, so it is a good idea to play around with different products and see which suit your needs best.