
Arthritis and CBD?

Focus Keyword: CBD Products Title: Arthritis and CBD? Arthritis and CBD?

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

What Is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol which is an active compound found in the cannabis plant and its extracts. Mostly it is derived from hemp in many shapes.

How CBD Oil Works?

The human body’s endocannabinoid system has two cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2.

A majority of CB1 receptors are located in the brain and are associated with cognitive actions related to coordination, mood, thinking, memory, and appetite. The CB2 receptors, on the other hand, can be found in the immune system. This makes them more responsible for the body’s response to pain and inflammation.

Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, attaches to the CB1 receptors, which explains why smoking or otherwise ingesting marijuana affects users on a cognitive level.


However, CBD impacts the CB2 receptors. And it does so indirectly, not by attaching to the CB2 receptor, but by enticing the body to make more of its cannabinoids. This creates a positive effect on the body’s pain and inflammation responses.

Does CBD Works To Cure Arthritis?

So far the studies and testimonials done by the scientists on different animals have shown its results positive on animals and their different types of pain. Its tests of different doses have shown different ailment results on different animals. It has shown lesser sleeplessness, irritations, sensations, and hypertension effects on animals.

Is CBD Safe To Use?

Scientific studies have shown that CBD is good and purely safe to use for treatments in animals and human beings for different ailments and diseases. So far at this point, it is not that much known about this. CBD is currently thought to have critical positive potential to interact with some of the drugs people commonly take to cure their pains. But is stated by the doctors that people who want to take CBD as the cure of their arthritis pain issues must consult their doctors or physicians must so that there are no complications in the future for them.

If you have chronic arthritis pain, you may be wondering about cannabidiol (CBD) as a treatment. CBD, along with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other chemicals, is found in marijuana. But unlike THC, CBD is not “psychoactive” that is, it does not cause the intoxication or high associated with marijuana use.

A word about arthritis pain and its perspectives

It’s worth emphasizing that there are more than 100 different types of arthritis and its conditions, and while pain is a major feature of all of them, these conditions do not all act alike and same. And what works for one may not work for another. Treatment is aimed at reducing pain and stiffness and maintaining function for all types of arthritis.

But for certain conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, conventional prescription medications are highly recommended, because these drugs help prevent permanent joint damage and worsening disability.

Besides, individuals experience pain and respond to treatment in different ways. As a result, it’s highly unlikely that there is a single CBD-containing product that works for all people with all types of arthritis. CBD usage is a must to do practical for pain-related patients to have them treated and get well sooner enough to have their life back.

Of course, there is anecdotal evidence and testimonials galore, including reports of dramatic improvement by people who tried CBD in its various forms (including capsule, liquid, topical, and spray) for their pain. But we are still waiting for well-designed, scientifically valid, and rigorous clinical trials that are so badly needed to answer the question of just how helpful CBD may be to people with chronic arthritis pain.

As with any treatment, there can be downsides or side effects. CBD is generally considered safe to use for any kind of treatment; however, it can still cause lightheadedness, sleepiness, dry mouth, and other hypertension sort of issues in a man.

There may be uncertainty about the purity of CBD products and CBD can interact with other medications. For pregnant women, concern has been raised about a possible link between inhaled cannabis and lower-birth weight babies; it’s not clear if this applies to CBD. Some pain specialists have concerns that CBD may upset the body’s natural system of pain regulation, leading to tolerance though the potential for addiction is generally considered below.

Is CBD Is Good For The Treatment Of Osteo-Arthritis?

With proved so far so many benefits of CBD for treatment of different diseases what it has anything unique for the treatment of Osteo-Arthritis.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis, affecting more than twenty million Americans. OA is a degenerative joint disease, defined by loss of joint smoothness and range of motion due to increased bone density and bone growths (osteophytes). OA is further defined by:

Joint degeneration
Intermittent inflammation
Peripheral neuropathy
Decreased movement within the joint

The symptoms experienced by OA encompass inflammatory, nociceptive, and neuropathic pain. CBD is an exogenous (out of the body) cannabinoid that acts on our endogenous (in the body) cannabinoid system to function in an antioxidant capacity, decrease inflammation and act as an analgesic.

Historically, osteoarthritis has been thought of as non-inflammatory arthritis, however, recent evidence showcases the role of inflammation in the symptoms of OA, as well as in the condition’s progression. Intervention with CBD may offer an opportunity to slow the progression of OA by decreasing inflammation, both systematically and locally. The interaction of CBD with your immune system and its potential antioxidant effect may help to decrease symptoms associated with OA and improve quality of life.

Ingested CBD has been shown to block pain signals from reaching your brain by binding to specific pain receptors.
Ingested CBD has been shown to attenuate central sensation and neuropathic pain development.
Applied topically, CBD has been shown to decrease pain sensations locally by reducing mechanosensitivity of your joint nociceptors.
Applied topically, CBD has been shown to reduce joint swelling and decrease immune cell infiltration, inflammation, and thickening of the connective tissue that lines your joints.
Applied topically, CBD has been shown to reduce acute, inflammatory changes.
Ingested CBD has been shown to reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines.
CBD has been shown to help relieve anxiety and sleep disturbances associated with chronic pain conditions.

CBD is not addictive and has minimal known side effects. Extracted from cannabis Sativa, CBD belongs to a family of plants that have long been used for their medicinal properties. According to Roger Clemens Dr. PH, professor of pharmaceutical sciences and Associate Director of the Regulatory Science Program at the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy, more research is needed to prove the efficacy of CBD as a treatment for arthritis.

However, he says: “Studies among humans indicate CBD, when administered by injection or in topical transdermal forms, may have antiarthritic effects independent of cannabinoid receptors. In addition to helping to control inflammation, cannabinoids reduce pain by activating central and peripheral CB1, peripheral CB2 receptors, and CBD-sensitive non-cannabinoid receptor targets.”

How do you use CBD for pain relief?

Topicals are best used for immediate pain relief and seem to be particularly helpful for people with OA. They don’t enter your bloodstream, so they'll only affect the site where they're applied. Topicals come in creams and oils that are absorbed by your skin and can have anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive (pain inhibiting) effects.

Ingestible do enter your bloodstream and cross your blood-brain barrier, inducing more whole-body systemic effects. Ingestible also pass through your digestive system, which means it will take longer for you to feel their effects, but they are also likely to last longer.

The American Arthritis Foundation recommends administration of CBD using the topical application, tinctures, oral sprays, or capsules. They do not recommend edibles, because the dosage is a bit unpredictable. Vaping is also not advised because of the possible negative effects on your respiratory system, as well as potential inflammation.

Oral Sprays and tinctures are taken under your tongue, where they are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream.

Capsules are a pill form of CBD

If you're interested in trying CBD for the first time, start at a low dose, such as 5 milligrams, and go from there. It’s important to remember that you will not feel the effects of ingestible immediately. Even if you don’t notice anything in the first few hours, don’t consume more on the first try, as you can always increase your dosage later, but not reduce it once you have already ingested it.


So far the researches and the contents found in the studies of CBD and its impacts on human body it has stated that they have a great positive impact on human body. They definitely have ability to reduce every kind of pains and inflammation in human body.