
Cancer Myths and Facts

May be an image of 1 person and text that says "25 塩 kauvery haspital Cancer Myths & Facts"

May be an image of text that says "25 ထိမ kauvery haspital x MYTH FACT Vs There is no effective treatment for cancer Cancer treatment reduces the risk of spreading, prolongs survival, and often eliminates signs and symptoms of cancer"

May be a graphic of text that says "25 Hao kauvery haspital x MYTH FACT Cancer is contagious Vs Some worry that cancer is contagious through physical contact, but this is not true"

May be a graphic of text that says "25 ឃ្ទាប AB kauvery haspital t= x MYTH FACT People with cancer are too ill to work Vs While some can't work due to cancer treatment side effects, improved treatments often allow continued work with employer support"

Cancer is a disease where abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, invading healthy tissue. It can spread to other parts of the body.


However, several myths circulate around cancer, and here are a few of them with proper explanations