
Antibiotics How much is too much.jpg

Antibiotics: How much is too much?

Without a doubt, antibiotics are very good for you. They fight serious bacterial infections and give a sense of relief to your body, but they have their cons too; for example, not completing dosage, skipping a dosage and amateur or careless doctors overprescribing pharma drugs for common cold and cough. Overconsumption of painkillers and sedatives can prove to be extremely harmful for the human body.

Let’s have a look at the cons of overprescribing pharmaceutical drugs:

Weight Gain: Overprescribing pharma drugs for a prolonged disease can lead to increase in body weight. Childhood obesity is one of the worst forms of physical torture that kids can go through so always consult a good pediatrician who will prescribe just that right and effective dosage for them. Adults too can rapidly gain weight… in fact, their entire fitness routine or body clock is at risk of getting disrupted because of antibiotic overuse.

Did you know?

India is among the top 10 Pharma Product Manufacturing countries in the world.

  • Intestinal Side-effects: Your gut is full of both good and bad bacteria. Antibiotics can upset the balance of both the bacteria. Overconsumption might just kill one type of bacteria and you may be left with more of the other, this might cause imbalance in the digestive system and you might in all possibility suffer from stomach upset, vomiting, loose motions, nausea, diarrhea, severe pain in the stomach.


  • Vaginal Yeast Infection: Vagina is one of the most sensitive areas of a female’s body. Overconsumption of antibiotics can change the normal flora balance in the vagina and also affect its overall pH balance, often leading to overgrowth of fungal species.


  • Skin Side-effects & Severe Acne Problem: Doctors need to recognize within weeks, not months, when patients are failing to respond to a particular antibiotic therapy and dosage. Skin rashes, swollen body, bluish lips, itching, irritability and pale skin are some of the side-effects of antibiotic overuse. Your skin may also suffer from severe acne problems like a pimple pop up and painful skin boils.


  • Antibiotic Resistance: According to Pharmaceutical Formulation Manufacturers, taking antibiotics too often or for the wrong reasons and for prolonged diseases can change and affect the bacteria in your body to an extent that antibiotics seize to work against them. This particular pattern is called bacterial resistance or antibiotic resistance. It is also the reason why skin infections, ear infections, pneumonia and sinus become so difficult to treat.


  • Allergic Reactions: In the last two to three decades, immunologists and Medicine Manufacturing Companies have noted a significant increase in the prevalence of allergies. Excess antibiotics can disrupt the microbiome (community of microorganisms- bacteria, fungi, archaea) this eventually makes your body weak and the allergicreactions could result in development of rashes, swelling or itchiness issues.


  • The Killing of the Good Bacteria: Overconsumption of antibiotics pharma drugs can in all probability kill the good bacteria in your body over the time. You body may become prone to infections, common cold, gas trouble and there is a possibility that those same antibiotics may not be effective on your body in the future.