
Amusement Park Electrician

Amusement Park Electrician

I got an invitation to a physics day at the amusement park after I mentioned the 6 Flags America Roller Coaster Design Contest at the beginning of the month. I had a hard time making my boss believe that my intention was not riding roller coasters all day.


There were a bunch of people in the park. High school students to college students. The high school teachers had earlier been issued with an extensive workbook of activities for the kids,  like. Duties of an amusement park electrician include:



  • Determining the flight angles on the  carousel flying.
  • Calculating the bus acceleration as they entered into the park
  • Distinguishing the amount of energy that is put to use to ensure that students get to the power dom top.

 Nevertheless, the activities related to the roller-coaster were also there as well. The interesting thing is that guidelines to develop a force meter were provided.


Demonstration of Physics Concepts at the Amusement Park

There were some college students who were showcasing some of the physics concepts like;


  • Motion of the wave
  • Conservation of gravity and energy.


Out of these, I learnt how to come up with a motor which was just simple, with a nail, batteryl, neodymium magnet and  a wire.


Testing Acceleration with Accelerometer at the Amusement park

The real fan was in the 7 roller coasters in combination with the other types of rides. The students wore vests which had an accelerometer to record the speed with which  they moved in the three axes, X, Y and Z .

The information would then be downloaded onto the laptops after which the Data Studio program would then present the data in a graph. However these graphs looked messier  compared to those from the computer games.


At ITI Technical College, we provide you with an Associate of Occupational studies degree in  instrumentation technology that will prepare you to enter the industry as an amusement park technician. We have much more that we can teach you  but we can also grant you access to skilled instructors and hands-on training that will prepare you for the world that you will just be about to get into.


For more information about graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit our website: http://www.iticollege.edu/disclosures.htm