
Word, PPT, PDF can be converted to each other, you know?


In our work, the processing of documents often need to convert the format,word to pdf converter free download offline today we talk about Word, PPT, PDF file formats between the conversion problem, just a simple operation can be completed.

01.Word to PPT

1 by clicking File Options - Quick Access Toolbar - Command no longer in the ribbon to open the Word document, add Send to Microsoft PowerPoint, and then click OK.

(2) from the Quick Access Toolbar, select this button, you can quickly generate an original PPT.

It is worthwhile for students to note: We will convert Word to PPT before,pdf split and merge download online be sure to first through the Word in the outline for the view is divided into a number of different levels, so that the transfer of the time you do not have to adjust the format of the data.

02. PPT to PDF

In order to save the document easily, we will convert the document to PDF format, so not afraid of confusion or incompatibility issues! Word and Powerpoint to PDF is very simple to save as much as possible.

Steps:Click on the input Word or PPT file, choose File - Save As - Browse. As the save as type, directly select the PDF format to save.

03. PPT to Word

PPT to Word operation is also very false,convert word to pdf with embedded excel files directly from the "File" menu can be exported notes.

Step by step: Click Start to enter the PPT, select [File] - [Export] - [Create Teaching Handouts] - [Use only an outline], and then converted to Word.

04. PDF to PPT

Then we want to convert PDF format files into PPT, in fact, it is not difficult, you only need to use the enterprise in their own computers [Xunjie PDF Converter], you can easily complete the conversion of the relevant documents.

How to operate: Open, select [PDF to PPT], and then add the files need to be converted, and then click [Start Conversion], wait a few seconds for successful conversion, and support batch conversion OH.

Word, PPT, PDF can be converted to each other. Have you learned it?


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