
6 Tips to Boost Your Dental Practice’s Value


As much as 75% less patient flow has been a reality for dental practices during the economic decline in 2020. Even though this number can initially seem alarming, we have a great solution for you. We are going to go over 6 suggestions on how you can improve your dental practice and thus increase the value.  


Practice Management 

Think critically about how effectively your dental practice is run. Being productive is very important regardless of the size of your team. If communication is an issue and not being done well or if delays are constant, this can deter patients from coming back. If this is the case, you should consider how you can improve your patient workflow and productivity. This might even mean replacing inefficient staff, if necessary. Your patients are going to be more confident in your services if your medical team is efficient, as opposed to a team that is obviously mismanaged. 


Consider Your Reputation 

There is a correlation between the reputation of a practice and the amount of traffic flow it sees. Increasing your online presence can help with this as it can help get client reviews, which, if positive, can help inform the world/other potential patients that you are a good clinic to go to. Now a days, people research online to get information on places before they commit to going to a place. They will look up things like your specific services, rates, and customer interactions. Having a website to represent your business is a great way to get your name out there and turn a few patients into many more.  


Think About Your Referrals 

One of the traditional and main ways a dental practice acquires new patients is with referrals. Think about if your current clients would recommend your practice to other friends and family? Are incentives to do so in place to help you bring in new patients? Marketing can only go so far, then you need additional methods to get people to come in and stay. You can do this with things like loyalty programs. Whatever marketing you use, make sure to have a tracking system to see what is working for you and what is not.  


Read More: https://www.lionsdenconstruction.com/blog/boost-your-dental-practices-tips/  


How We Can Help  

Our team specializes in Custom Commercial Construction in Toronto! If this is something you need, make sure to contact us today! Go to our website to learn more about our services and to get a FREE quote!