
GreenvilleHeritage FCU's Visa Account Updater Service



Visa Account Updater Service is a free benefit for all GreenvilleHeritage FCU debit and credit card holders, allowing you to receive automatic card number and expiration date updates when your account information changes (like if you lose or replace your card) with participating merchants. This will make using your Visa card for recurring payments more convenient than ever.

Reduce Customer Friction

Subscription services are a large and growing segment of the market, largely due to the efficiencies that come with not having to worry about re-issuing payment credentials. However, the process can be frustrating for both customers and merchants if the credit card credentials on file are no longer valid or expired.

When a card expires or is replaced, it can leave your rebilling credentials out of date, and this can lead to issues like declined transactions, service interruptions, and customer frustration. While these scenarios aren’t the fault of your customers or you, they can still create a lot of friction for your customer experience.

The good news is that the Visa Account Visa account updater service  helps to prevent these situations from happening in the first place by ensuring that your customers’ payment credentials are always current, even when their card expires or gets replaced. And when it does, Visa will automatically communicate the updated payment credentials directly to the rebilling merchants you’ve authorized to charge your card.

Getting Started with VAU

Participating in VAU is entirely free and there is no enrollment or activation required to participate. In addition to this, there is no need to opt out if you don’t want your card account information updated through this service.

How it Works

Whenever a cardholder’s account information changes, issuing banks send an electronic update to Visa through the Visa Account Updater (VAU) service. Then, Visa processes the new information and distributes it via the ACH network to requesting merchants.

When you use your GreenvilleHeritage FCU Visa debit or credit card for recurring payments, like utility bills or subscription services, we will automatically send VAU updates to participating merchants. This includes your monthly gym membership or recurring Netflix or Hulu subscriptions.

Once you’ve enabled this feature, we will only request updates for cards that have been successfully processed within the past 13 months and are vaulted for recurring billing. If a card has been declined in the past, we won’t request an update until it is processed again 30 days later.

You can easily enable VAU by logging into your GreenvilleHeritage FCU online banking portal and clicking the Visa Account Updater link. You can also ask your GreenvilleHeritage FCU sales representative to enable the service for you.

Your acquiring bank queries Visa through their acquirers to ensure that your current card information is accurate and then securely transmits the updated data to your merchants. They must then update your rebilling information in their systems to match the new data within five days of receiving it.

Real Time Visa Account Updater

When you enable this feature, your acquiring bank queries Visa through their acquirers, and then sends the updated card data to your merchants in real-time. This allows for a faster and more efficient checkout process.