

He was nervous, even though he practiced the whole previous day. He knew this had to be perfect, for him to be accepted and to further his studies of magic. But he had traveled so far and learned that much, that he wasn’t going to give up that easily.


Standing in front of the council, all of them wearing mysterious cloaks concealing their faces, Felix felt like he was about to become part of a school of magic and witchcraft. Extending his arms, he produced a small piggy bank from his backpack, and using his power, he was able to split the coins out of it without harming or altering the piggy bank itself. He was hoping to leave them impressed… But then one of the councilmen mocked him for performing a ‘parlor trick’.


Focusing on the nearby wall, he splitted a torch from its wall holster and then splitted the flame from the torch, which remained alive for a couple of seconds before disintegrating.


A councilwoman yawned rudely, asking him if weak telepathy was considered a powerful magical ability. They started murmuring among each other, the words “waste of time” and “disappointment” were on everyone’s minds.

Felix was losing their attention. He needed to do something fast.