If you have Shoulder Surgery Beenleigh, your doctor may recommend arthroscopic surgery. Arthroscopy is less traumatic to the shoulder muscles, ligaments and tissues than open shoulder surgery.
In this type of shoulder surgery, a small camera called an arthroscope is inserted into your shoulder through a series of smaller incisions. This helps the surgeon inspect the shoulder joint and repair any damage to the cartilage, tendons, or bone.
Rotator Cuff Tears
Rotator cuff tears are injuries to the tissue that attaches your shoulder muscles to your humerus (upper arm bone). These are often caused by accidents such as lifting something too heavy with a jerking motion or overuse from using your arm for overhead work or sports.
People who have a tear may have shoulder pain, weakness and limited motion in their arms that doesn’t improve with over-the-counter pain relievers. They also have clicking or popping sounds when they lift something with their arm and may have difficulty sleeping with the pain or weakness in their shoulders.
Patients who have a full-thickness rotator cuff tear may need to have surgery to repair the tear. This can be done through arthroscopic surgery, an outpatient procedure that allows your doctor to see the structures of your shoulder with an arthroscope.
This is a less invasive method to repair a torn rotator cuff than open surgery, which requires making a larger incision and splitting the deltoid muscle to gain access to the tendon. During this procedure, your surgeon can remove the injured part of the rotator cuff and suture it together with good quality tissues.
Shoulder Injury
The shoulder is a complex joint made up of three bones: the upper arm bone (humerus), the shoulder blade (scapula), and the collarbone (clavicle). It also has cartilage, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
Generally, most shoulder problems respond well to simple treatments such as rest, medication, and changes in activities. However, some injuries or diseases may need surgery.
A physical exam will help the physician diagnose your shoulder pain and rule out any structural problems such as a fracture or arthritis in the shoulder. The doctor will press and move your arm in different positions.
The doctor may also order X-rays and an MRI scan. X-rays can show any bone spurs that are the cause of your shoulder pain, as well as any signs of arthritis in the shoulder joint. MRI scans provide better images of the soft tissues in your shoulder.
Shoulder Dislocation
A shoulder dislocation is when the round end of your upper arm bone (humerus) moves out of its socket in the shoulder joint. This can happen from a fall or other type of physical trauma, such as a car accident or sports injury.
The humerus is surrounded by many muscles, tendons and ligaments that help hold the shoulder joint in place. These tissues may be torn when you dislocate your shoulder.
Your doctor can diagnose a shoulder dislocation by examining you and performing X-rays to check for any broken bones. If you have a fracture, your doctor will need to refer you to an orthopaedic surgeon for specialist care.
The most common way to treat a shoulder dislocation is to put your arm back into its socket with a procedure called reduction. This is often done in an emergency room and reduces pain almost immediately.
Shoulder Replacement
Shoulder replacement is a surgical procedure that uses artificial joint parts to replace worn out or damaged bones in the shoulder. It can help reduce pain and restore function to a person with shoulder arthritis.
The surgery is performed through a small incision on the front of the shoulder and is usually accompanied by regional anesthesia. This numbs the arm and shoulder area and may be combined with general anesthesia (you are asleep for the entire operation).
A metal ball is placed in your upper arm bone, the humerus, and a plastic socket is made in which it fits. The plastic socket may be lined with a membrane to keep the ball in place.
Complications after surgery are rare. The main risk is the loosening of the implant components over time, particularly if you continue to use your arm excessively. It is also possible for the ball to shift out of the socket, which can be very painful and lead to a dislocation.