
Spotting A Fake Disposable Vape- Best Practices


Disposable vapes are one of the most-loved vaping devices that took the entire vaping industry by storm. At present, you will find an array of vape manufacturers coming forward with their respective disposable vape devices.

However, not all vape manufacturers abide by stringent manufacturing practices. There are counterfeit vapes that imitate reputed brands, and falling into that trap is one of the worst mistakes that you can make!


In this excerpt, we will discuss some of the best practices to spot a fake disposable vape. This will help you stay away from counterfeit products and stay safe while you buy disposable vapes online.


Spotting The Fake- A Challenge In Itself!

With so many vape brands and manufacturers co-existing in the market, it becomes confusing and challenging to spot a fake product!


Especially, if you are a beginner in this field, there’s a high chance that you might end up buying a counterfeit product! However, some clear indications will surely help you spot a fake disposable vape.

Let’s have a look-


  • Unauthorized Sellers/ Vendors

Whenever you are purchasing disposable vapes online, try to keep your purchase confined within the boundaries of authorized sellers or vendors only. If you choose unauthorized sellers or dealers, it’s not that you won’t get the original product. But the chances of you ending up with a counterfeit product increase.



  • Fraudulent Packaging

Inconsistencies in packaging are one of the most basic but effective ways to spot a fake vaping device. So, while you buy disposable vapes online, thoroughly observe the product packaging. Look for inconsistencies like low-quality printing, misspellings, color alterations, or logo differences. Legitimate products usually include batch or serial numbers, which are absent on the packaging of the fake products.


  • Unrealistic Pricing

Getting your favorite disposable vape for a great discount is cool! But don’t fall for cheap pricing alone! Because most of the counterfeit vaping devices are often being sold at unbelievably low price tags! This happens because most of the counterfeit brands use inferior quality materials and cheaper ingredients which enables them to sell their products at such a low price point.


  • Poor Quality

Spotting a counterfeit vape often involves noticing signs of shoddy construction. For instance, things like loosened parts, uneven finishes, or devices that don't work correctly. Also, if the taste of the vape juice is not up to the mark, and it comes along with a poor vapor output, it is a sign that the product you are holding might be a fake one!


Hence, these are some of the many indications that should be enough to indicate that you are looking at a fake disposable vape. So, while you buy disposable vapes online, consider these signs to avoid getting your hands on a counterfeit vape!


Must Read: Choose Lush Ice Disposable Vape for a Refreshing Sensation