
Burnout vs. Depression: How to Tell the Difference

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hundal @hundal · Feb 21, 2023

You could question if you're experiencing burnout or depression if you've been feeling exhausted, unmotivated, or hopeless. Although there are some similarities between depression and burnout, they are completely distinct.


You can understand what you're going through and obtain the support you need to feel like yourself again if you know the difference between depression and burnout.


What is Burnout?


The impact or effects of ongoing stress demands and pressure are referred to as "burnout." While we frequently associate burnout with careers or the workplace, it may truly occur in every area of life. Stress at home or at work may have a bad impact on a person and their relationships. In reality, a new study supports the existence of parental burnout and the need for greater awareness of the alienation from children it results in.


The term "burnout" was created by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger to characterize the detrimental effects of chronic, sustained stress on those in caring professions, such as doctors and nurses. Because healthcare workers frequently put others before themselves, they are more likely to experience the negative impacts of physical, mental, and emotional tiredness, or burnout, as Freudenberger may put it.


Although only healthcare professionals were included in the initial definition of burnout, we now have a much greater understanding that the term may apply to anybody who feels emotionally depleted by extended stress. Everyone experiences stress from time to time, especially those in high-demand occupations or who are under a lot of pressure in any capacity, but when stress persists, burnout can result.


Your energy can be depleted, your productivity reduced, and you may become irritable and depressed as a result of burnout. You can feel like you don't have anything left to contribute if you've been burned out for a while.


To avoid negative long-term physical and emotional impacts, it is crucial to understand the burnout signs and symptoms. Additionally, you can work with a specialist to address your symptoms once you've determined the root of your issues.


Symptoms of Burnout


Burnout may make you feel drained and unresponsive. Physical burnout symptoms, including headaches and digestive issues, are possible. Changes in behaviour, such as impatience or rage, may be noticed by family or friends.


Common symptoms or signs of burnout include the following:

  • Physical, mental, or emotional exhaustion
  • Detaching from things you once cared about
  • Poor job performance
  • Sleep issues
  • Memory problems
  • Headaches
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Hopelessness
  • Anxiety

Causes of Burnout


Burnout may be brought on by a variety of causes at work or home. The first step toward healing from burnout is to comprehend its underlying causes.


Common causes of burnout include:


  • Low pay
  • Unattainable goals and deadlines
  • Unreasonable personal or work demands
  • Perfectionism
  • Inability to use vacation time at work
  • Extended/endless hours
  • Lack of support
  • Lack of resources
  • Lack of control
  • Dirty or unsafe workplace
  • Work-life imbalance
  • Toxic environments
  • Unclear job expectations
  • Job dissatisfaction
  • Working alone
  • Outside distractions

What is Depression?


Depression is a widespread mental health issue that has a detrimental impact on both your thoughts and feelings. Sadness and a loss of interest in hobbies or social activities are two symptoms that depression patients frequently encounter. Although the severity of depressive symptoms might vary, all types of depression can impair one's ability to carry out daily tasks at home and at work.


The good news is that depression, a widespread mental health disease, is curable, even if it will afflict more than 21 million American adults by the year 2020.


Symptoms of Depression


Knowing the signs of depression can be helpful in getting spravato treatment because many individuals don't even realize they're sad.


The most common symptoms of depression are:


  • Depressed or sad mood most of the day
  • Weight and appetite changes (increase or decrease)
  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Little pleasure in social activities
  • Little energy
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

Causes of depression


There are several potential reasons for depression, and it is frequently observed comorbidly (that is, concurrently with one or more other diseases, such as anxiety or a medical ailment).


Potential causes of depression include:


  • Faulty mood regulation
  • Genetic vulnerability
  • Grief
  • Your or a loved one’s illness
  • A recent medical diagnosis
  • Divorce
  • Chronic illness
  • Career and financial worries

Many people who have depression talk about a series of negative things that happened before they got sick. For instance, if you lose your job, you could start drinking. This unhealthy coping method might eventually lead to marital issues with your partner, and your marriage could break down. Together, these elements have the potential to easily cause depression.


Other studies show that the elderly are at increased risk of depression. 


What is the Difference Between Burnout and Depression?


While the symptoms of depression and burnout can occasionally resemble one another and sometimes overlap, there are important distinctions between the two.


For instance, burnout (like depression) can result in extreme weariness and fatigue, making it challenging to work or take care of your obligations. Although it might interfere with your regular activities, symptoms are often transient. When the stressor is eliminated or diminished, you start to feel better if you have burnout. This is not how depression usually operates.


Many of the weariness, memory problems, and sleeplessness that characterise burnout are also present in the symptoms of depression, but depression is a mental health illness that also includes additional symptoms like:


  • Feeling sad most of the day
  • Having low self-esteem
  • Changes in appetite (increase or decrease)
  • Anger or irritability
  • Little to no interest in activities
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Suicidal thoughts and thoughts of death
  • Unlike burnout, there’s not always a plausible cause for depression. While traumatic life events can trigger depression, the symptoms of depression don’t usually go away when the stress of the life event is over. 

Can Untreated Burnout Lead to Depression?


Studies suggest that untreated burnout and depression are likely related. Because of this, it's crucial to get expert assistance, even if your burnout is still in its early stages.


In addition to depression, burnout can also be a predictor of numerous physical problems, such as:


  • Cardiovascular disease 
  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Obesity
  • Prolonged fatigue

Regardless of whether you're experiencing depression or burnout, taking care of yourself is essential. The sooner you receive burnout treatment, the lower your risk of developing long-term physical burnout issues or depression will be.


Coping and Prevention


Interested in learning how to overcome depression or recover from burnout? The approaches for coping and prevention are quite similar since there are many indicators of depression and burnout that are identical. With certain coping strategies, you may learn how to avoid burnout. Recognizing the sources of your feelings and making efforts to reduce them are often part of coping. Even though you can't always change jobs or get rid of your money troubles right away, you can attempt the following.


Reframe your Mindset


It's really simple to concentrate on the bad things in life, but try to change your perspective by focusing on the good things. Your work, relationship, or circumstance may feel even more intolerable and stressful when you are surrounded by negativity, yet shifting your viewpoint can help you find calm.


Make Time for Self-Care


Even though the term "self-care" has been around for a while, it's one of the most important components of a healthy existence. It's crucial to set aside time for yourself, whether it's a quick 10-minute meditation session, a stroll around the block, or a phone conversation with a friend. Self-care is essential regardless of whatever condition you're dealing with because burnout and depression symptoms sometimes overlap.


Seek Professional Help


Do you feel burned out at work? Are you emotionally spent as a result of ongoing stress? Are you experiencing stress at work? Or do you feel melancholy and hopeless?


If you're feeling dissatisfied, overburdened, depressed, or burned out, don't be hesitant to get professional help. Finding a specialist for a proper diagnosis might be crucial because many symptoms of burnout and depression can be so similar.


You can speak with a qualified mental health expert online through online counselling, who can help you understand the differences between depression and burnout and improve your overall mental health. Today, take the next step and discover more about how treatment resistant depression delaware online counselling for receiving assistance for depression is easier.