
Google Ads Disapproval Policy Overwise

Google Ads is an effective way to promote your business or website online. However, not all ads are created equal. Some ads may not comply with Google's policies, resulting in disapproval. In this article, we will discuss the Google Ads Disapproval Policy and how you can avoid getting your ads disapproved.

Ads Disapproval

What is the Google Ads Disapproval Policy?

The Google Ads Disapproval Policy is a set of guidelines that advertisers must follow to ensure their ads meet Google's standards. If an ad violates any of these policies, it will be disapproved and not served on Google's advertising network.

Reasons for Ad Disapproval

There are several reasons why an ad may be disapproved. Some of the common reasons include:

  • Violating Google's advertising policies
  • Using inappropriate language or images
  • Misleading or false claims
  • Violating copyright laws

How to Avoid Ad Disapproval

To avoid getting your ads disapproved, it is important to follow Google's advertising policies and guidelines. Some of the best practices include:

  • Reviewing and understanding Google's advertising policies
  • Maintaining transparency and accuracy in your ad content
  • Avoiding inappropriate language and images
  • Respecting copyright laws and intellectual property rights
  • Providing a positive user experience
  • What to do if Your Ad is Disapproved

If your ads is disapproved, you can request a review by Google. This will give you an opportunity to make changes to your ad content to comply with Google's policies. Once you have made the necessary changes, you can resubmit your ad for review.


Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that can help you reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals. However, it is important to follow Google's advertising policies and guidelines to ensure your ads are not disapproved. By following best practices and making necessary changes, you can create effective ads that comply with Google's policies and deliver results.