
Who is white Israel? Semite White Israel Explained!

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Protoman @protoman · Dec 4, 2022 · edited: Dec 5, 2022

The Germans were part of the chosen tribe of Noah-Shem-Eber(Hebrew)-Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-Israel-Ephraim-Manasseh.. 


Yahushua was not a "Jew" as "jews" are the race of the Edomite-Canaanites who are the mixed with children of Japheth.

​These are not the children of Shem, father of the Shemites aka Semites. 


The Jewish people are the descendants of the biblical Edomites who were the enemies of the tribes of Israel and Sac's son King David ruled and nearly killed them all off . 


Yahuwah sent King David to kill the Edomites, this is confirmed in many Encyclopedias,
  many are Jewish Encyclopedias and in the Holy Bible in1 Kings 11:15.


Many Jews of the world know that Ashkenazi Jews are not Semite, Hebrews or Israelites. Benjamin Freedman was a Jew and a Historian.


He admitted that Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites.


 The "Jews" are impostors who have stolen the identity of Anglo-Saac Sons.


Abraham's son was Isaac. (i)Saac's sons were the predecessors to Jacob's sons who were later renamed "Israel" by I AM/ Yahuwah after Jacob wrestled I AM in Peniel in Gen 32:23-32. However, by 745 BC and in Amos 7:16 the House of "(i)Saac sons" dropped the "I" from Saac's sons.


"NEW AGE" JEWS are the children of Esau!


Was the Historical Messiah a "Jew" by religion or race? He absolutely was Not a "Jew!" The "Jews" are impostors who have stolen the identity of Anglo-Saac Sons.


The etymology of the word "Saxon" is directly from Saac's sons or Saka Sun-ae, the Sons of Saac. The Scythian/Parthian people had been known as the Sacae or Saka for well over 1,000 years as confirmed in Amos 7:16. 

The name Saxons was retained by the Germanic Tribe of Judah that the Romans had called the "Saxons." Phonetically, Saxons is the same as "Saac's sons/Sac's sons" who dropped the "i" in (i)Saac's sons.

In English the Latin "X" in Saxons is for the Germanic word "Saxon" is  "Sachsisch" or "Sache."


The modern word for the Saxons still preserves the Scythian name "Sac-ae" who migrated into Europe from Asia.

Jews are the children of Esau and NO EDOMITE JEW, NO ASHKENAZI, NO CANAANITE IS A SAXON OR A CAUCASIAN or ISRAEL. However, it was the Saxons who were driven into the Caucasus Mountains as this is called the Pass of Israel.


The real captivity of the "Beth-Sak" began in 745 when Tiglath-Pileser captured and took large portions of the tribes of Asher, Zebulun, Issachar, and Gad  and the future Germans and Celts into Assyria, as recorded in 2 Kings 15:29.


The Saxons wrote in Genesis 48:14-16 that the name of Isaac would specifically be placed on the Israelite tribes of Ephriam and Manasseh (Saxon USA). Since the Germanic Saxons migrated into Europe, it confirms that the Saxons were primarily the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh.


The Germans were part of the chosen tribe of Noah-Shem-Eber(Hebrew)-Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-Israel-Ephraim-Manasseh.. 


 The "Jews" are the Canaanites of the Old Testament who mixed with the Esau, the race of the Edomite-Canaanites who are the mixed with children of Japheth. As seen in the scriptures of Gen 36:9
 Ashkenzim are Japhethites.

 These so called "Jews" are none of Israel's offspring.
 Jews are a race and they have a religion. Their Babylonian Talmudic religion is not their race. It is their culture. "Jews" by race are Canaanites. DNA evidence confirms this. Benjamin Netenyahu even requires DNA tests to validate the race of the Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi and Igboo before a Canaanite is allowed to move to the False State of Israel / Edom.
 Crypto-Jews will become any religion to gain control of that religion and all the while, they will remain faithful to their Talmudic religion.  Most of us who study the Holy Bible aware that the Jews are several different race lines such as the Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Mizrahim and Igboo Ethiopian Jew.


There are several divisions within the religion of the Pharisees, Saducees and today's Orthodox Jews and even atheists according to the Judaica Encyclopedia 1971. It declares that Ashkenazim were the Pharisees, the ones responsible for bringing the Talmud from Babylon where they continued to mix with Canaanites and the Edomites.


They were the Ashkenazim Pharisee that Christ constantly warred against and openly rebuked calling them "Devils in the flesh," John 8:44 Ye (Edomites) are of your father the devil. Ye Generation of Vipers (racial Serpents of Canaanites) how shall ye escape the damnation of Hell?
 Continuing the history of the white man also known as the Hebrew Caucasian Israelite. Without a doubt, many civilizations all over carried the swastika all over the earth. 


This is a historical fact, yet the modern atheist-Talmudic Jews who are the descendants of Cain through the serpent have actually instilled in us a hate for the holy symbol of the white Aryan man.  

However, that is sheer nonsense. In so doing, most will accept the Star of Molech aka, the star of David which actually never belonged to Israel's seed.


 In his 1896 book, The Swastika: The Earliest Known Symbol and its Migrations, Thomas Wilson, former curator of the Department of Prehistoric Anthropology in the U.S. National Museum, wrote of the swastika:

 “An Aryan symbol (卐) used by the Aryan peoples before their dispersion through Asia and Europe. 

This is a fair subject for inquiry and might serve as an explanation how…as a sacred symbol…


the Swastika might have been carried to the different peoples and countries in which we now find it by the splitting up of the Aryan peoples and their migrations and establishment in the various parts of Europe.”
 Who wants to be smart shall occupy himself with moneymatters, because there are no corner pillars in the Torah that are more important, because they are like a sparkling fountain.” (Talmud IV / 3 / 173b).
 "Give Me Control Of A Nation’S Money And I Care Not Who Makes Its Laws?" - Mayer Amschel Rothschild / Bauer 
 Mayer Rothschild’s original name was Mayer Amschel Bauer but changed it to the previous family name of Rothschild — meaning red shield in English..

 The History Of The House Of Rothschild:  https://rense.com/general88/hist.htm

Israeli High Court Allows DNA Testing to Prove Judaism: http://archive.today/9KhSD


Netanyahu reported to say legal system based on Talmud:



100 PROOFS the lsraelites were WHITE:

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For Christians out there who don’t understand their own religion or who their eternal enemy is (you know, Satan), more clarification is needed.


The Old Testament isn’t “Judaism”.


Adam, Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah... they’re not Jews. Adam means “ruddy”, to show blood in the face, to blush. There’s only one race that does this.


Abraham wasn’t a Jew. Isaac wasn’t a Jew. Jacob wasn’t a Jew. They were Hebrew.

Then God favored Jacob over his brother Esau, who kept his bloodline pure, and declared him the House of Israel and his descendants were Israelites. Still not Jews.


The descendants of Esau, who defied his parents and married outside his bloodline, became the big nosed, black curly haired, swarthy complexioned Edomites, and now we’re getting close to what a “Jew” and Judaism is. 


Jacob had many sons who became the different Tribes of Israel, and each of their descendants were the Israelites of the Tribe of whomever. Still not Jews.


So a bunch of the Tribes went north and “disappeared” (the Lost Tribes of Israel), and mingled with their racial kin in Europe making us Israelites. A couple Tribes stayed behind, one being the Israelites of the Tribe of Judah - key point here - STILL NOT TODAY’S “JEWS”. 


You know Moses? Not a Jew nor practiced Judaism. He was an Israelite of the Tribe of Levi practicing “The Way of the Lord”. Still with me?


Now the land of Judaea, it became multicultural/multiracial, Israelites, Edomites, etc, it wasn’t homogenous. Israelite King John Hyrcanus conquered the Edomites in Idumea in 120BC and forced them to convert to “The Way”. The people of Judaea were called Jews, but a more appropriate term would be Judaeans (citizens of Judaea), kind of like how an American meant being a free White person of good moral character to what it is now.


Within 50 years, the Edomites got into positions of institutional power (Pharisees, King Herod) like they have in our countries today. The Israelites in Judaea and “The Way” were subverted by the Edomite Pharisees with the Traditions of the Elders, who Jesus criticized as those which “say they’ve are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan”.


Jesus was an Israelite. He wanted to bring his people, the Israelites, back to “The Way” (I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, I come but for the lost sheep of the House of Israel). The Pharisees had him killed for challenging them. The Traditions of the Elders that Jesus called the Synagogue of Satan became known as the Babylonian Talmud, and because it took hold in Judaea became known as JUDAISM. The Apostles went to Europe to find the lost sheep of the House of Israel as directed by Jesus, and Europe became ethnoreligious Christian because Europeans are the Adamic race and were descended from Israelites.


Those who adhere to Judaism today are called “Jews”. They are Edomite Satanists who believe Jesus is boiling in ps and st in Hell according to the Talmud. They are not Israelites by blood or belief, they are not “Chosen By God” by your own teachings, they opened the Gates of Toledo in 711AD allowing Islam to conquer the Israelites which took us 800 years to drive them out but now “Jews” are letting and helping them back in LeGaLlY, and their fake country “Israel” was a theft of a name and a mockery of those they just slaughtered, invented by the Rothschilds Jewish international central banking money changers (the same Jesus whipped out of the temple), who established their country after winning WWII using our great grandfathers (Israelites) as cannon fodder slaughtering the Germans (Israelites) who threw off the Jewish central bankers, Jewish Weimar Republic, and Jewish Communists who just overthrew Russia and murdered and starved millions of White Christian (Israelite) Russians and Ukrainians, then as children of the Father of Lies wrote one of the greatest lies ever told in history and we’re living in their Satanic, degenerate, totalitarian world. 

Is that clear enough?



How "Yeshua" Became "Jesus"


The first letter in the name Yeshua ("Jesus") is the yod. Yod represents the "Y" sound in Hebrew.


Many names in the Bible that begin with yod are mispronounced by English speakers because the yod in these names was transliterated in English Bibles with the letter "J" rather than "Y".


This came about because in early English the letter "J" was pronounced the way we pronounce "Y" today. All proper names in the Old Testament were transliterated into English according to their Hebrew pronunciation, but when English pronunciation shifted to what we know today, these transliterations were not altered.


Thus, such Hebrew place names as ye-ru-sha-LA-yim, ye-ri-HO, and yar-DEN have become known to us as Jerusalem, Jericho, and Jordan; and Hebrew personal names such as yo-NA, yi-SHAI, and ye-SHU-a have become known to us as Jonah, Jesse, and Jesus.



The yod is the smallest letter of the alphabet, which is why Yeshua used it in His famous saying in Matt 5:18: "Until heaven and earth pass away not one yod ("iota" in the Greek text) or one kots will pass from the Torah." For emphasis, Yeshua incorporated in this saying a well-known Hebrew expression: lo' yod ve-LO' ko-TSO shel yod, "not a yod and not a 'thorn' of a yod," i.e., not the most insignificant and unimportant thing. When Yeshua declared that heaven and earth might sooner disappear than the smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet, or the smallest stroke of a letter, He was simply saying that the Torah ("Law" or "Instruction") of Moses would never cease to be.


The second sound in Yeshua's name is called tse-RE, and is pronounced almost like the letter "e" in the word "net". Just as the "Y" sound of the first letter is mispronounced in today's English, so too the first vowel sound in "Jesus". Before the Hebrew name "Yeshua" was transliterated into English, it was first transliterated into Greek. There was no difficulty in transliterating the tse-RE sound since the ancient Greek language had an equivalent letter which represented this sound.


And there was no real difficulty in transcribing this same first vowel into English. The translators of the earliest versions of the English Bible transliterated the tse-RE in Yeshua with an "e". Unfortunately, later English speakers guessed wrongly that this "e" should be pronounced as in "me," and thus the first syllable of the English version of Yeshua came to be pronounced "Jee" instead of "Yeh". It is this pronunciation which produced such euphemistic profanities as "Gee" and "Geez".


Since Yeshua is spelled "Jeshua" and not "Jesus" in most English versions of the Old Testament (for example in Ezra 2:2 and 2 Chronicles 31:15), one easily gets the impression that the name is never mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures. Yet 'Yeshua' appears there twenty-nine times, and is the name of at least five different persons and one village in the southern part of Yehudah ("Judah").


In contrast to the early biblical period, there were relatively few different names in use among the Jewish population of the Land of Israel at the time of the Second Temple.


The name Yeshua was one of the most common male names in that period, tied with Eleazer for fifth place behind Simon, Joseph, Judah, and John. Nearly one out of ten persons known from the period was named Yeshua.


The first sound of the second syllable of Yeshua is the "sh" sound. It is represented by the Hebrew letter shin. However Greek, like many other languages, has no "sh" sound. Instead, the closest approximation, the Greek sigma, was used when transcribing "Yeshua" as "Iesus".


Translators of English versions of the New Testament transliterated the Greek transcription of a Hebrew name, instead of returning to the original Hebrew. This was doubly unfortunate, first because the "sh" sound exists in English, and second because in English the "s" sound can shift to the "z" sound, which is what happened in the case of the pronunciation of "Jesus".


The fourth sound one hears in the name Yeshua is the "u" sound, as in the word "true". Like the first three sounds, this also has come to be mispronounced but in this case it is not the fault of the translators.


They transcribed this sound accurately, but English is not a phonetic language and "u" can be pronounced in more than one way. At some point the "u" in "Jesus" came to be pronounced as in "cut," and so we say "Jee-zuhs."


The "a" sound, as in the word "father," is the fifth sound in Jesus' name. It is followed by a guttural produced by contracting the lower throat muscles and retracting the tongue root- an unfamiliar task for English speakers. In an exception to the rule, the vowel sound "a" associated with the last letter "ayin" (the guttural) is pronounced before it, not after.


While there is no equivalent in English or any other Indo-European language, it is somewhat similar to the last sound in the name of the composer, "Bach." In this position it is almost inaudible to the western ear.


Some Israelis pronounce this last sound and some don't, depending on what part of the dispersion their families returned from. The Hebrew Language Academy, guardian of the purity of the language, has ruled that it should be sounded, and Israeli radio and television announcers are required to pronounce it correctly.


There was no letter to represent them, and so these fifth and sixth sounds were dropped from the Greek transcription of "Yeshua," -the transcription from which the English "Jesus" is derived.



So where did the final "s" of "Jesus" come from? Masculine names in Greek ordinarily end with a consonant, usually with an "s" sound, and less frequently with an "n" or "r" sound. In the case of "Iesus," the Greeks added a sigma, the "s" sound, to close the word.


The same is true for the names Nicodemus, Judas, Lazarus, and others.


English speakers make one further change from the original pronunciation of Jesus' name.


English places the accent on "Je," rather than on "sus." For this reason, the "u" has shortened in its English pronunciation to "uh."


In the West, a child's name is often chosen for its pleasant sound, or because another family member had it. The Jews of the Second Temple period also named after relatives (Luke 1:59-63).


However, almost all Jewish names have a literal meaning. Occasionally this is seen in English names too, such as Scott (a person from Scotland), Johnson (son of John), and Baker (bread maker). But with Hebrew names it is the rule, rather than the exception.


The name יֵשׁוּעַ‬ (Yeshua) means "The Lord's Salvation".


It is the short version of Yehoshua (Joshua), which means "The Lord Saves (or turns) Us".


In comparison, prior to being transliterated from the Hebrew Bible, the name Ἰησοῦς (Iesous) did not exist in Greek. Through multiple translations and changes in pronunciation, a tradition of saying "Jesus" has obscured His name, "Yeshua," and shifted His perceived message and identity from Hebrew to Greek.


Continuing the history of the white man also known as the Hebrew Caucasian Israelite. Without a doubt, many civilizations all over carried the swastika all over the earth. 


This is a historical fact, yet the modern atheist-Talmudic Jews who are the descendants of Cain through the serpent have actually instilled in us a hate for the holy symbol of the white Aryan man.  

However, that is sheer nonsense. In so doing, most will accept the Star of Molech aka, the star of David which actually never belonged to Israel's seed.


 In his 1896 book, The Swastika: The Earliest Known Symbol and its Migrations, Thomas Wilson, former curator of the Department of Prehistoric Anthropology in the U.S. National Museum, wrote of the swastika:


 “An Aryan symbol (卐) used by the Aryan peoples before their dispersion through Asia and Europe. 

This is a fair subject for inquiry and might serve as an explanation how…as a sacred symbol…


the Swastika might have been carried to the different peoples and countries in which we now find it by the splitting up of the Aryan peoples and their migrations and establishment in the various parts of Europe.”








That's why they were targeted for Genocide by the synagogue of satan.



Secret History of the Scythians and Lost Tribes - ROBERT SEPEHR

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The Saxons wrote in Genesis 48:14-16 that the name of Isaac would specifically be placed on the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh (Saxon USA). 



Bloodlines of the Chosen - ROBERT SEPEHR 

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@12:02 Robert States: "A Chosen people were targeted during the inquisition by the Catholic churches." 


@12:44 Robert States: "There was an Anti-German, Anti-Aryan Crusade to genocide them by the CHURCH!"


The Germans were part of the chosen tribe of Noah-Shem-Eber-Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-Israel-Ephraim-Manasseh.


The Complete List of the 1030 Jewish Expulsions in Human History 


The Synagogue of Satan - Andrew Hitchcock: https://docdro.id/Z2u4Aa3


The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 1 The Jewish Role in Black Slavery:



The Thirteenth Tribe THE KHAZAR EMPIRE AND ITS HERITAGE By Arthur Koestler: https://docdro.id/FRlEnDd


John Hopkins DNA proves Ashkenazi are not Semites - Shem - Isaac - Saxon Descendants:



The Khazars Called Jews: https://imgur.com/a/uOEzN8o


The Jews: The Not So Chosen People! https://imgur.com/a/27zTbVg


The Jews: The Not So Chosen People: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZznrjPCwEHgF/


The Holocaust Hoax is the Indispensable Centerpiece for the Khazarian Mafia: https://docdro.id/qJimOME

We Thought They Were White:



Was Christ Jesus a Jew:



Jews Controlled The Global Slave Trade For Centuries! https://imgur.com/a/2X8PPZD 


Our Scythian Ancestors: https://docdro.id/3hPzBXU


Adolf Hitler cleans up perverted Jew Ran Berlin: (3MIN) https://odysee.com/@Commentator:e4/Adolf-Hitler-cleans-up-perverted-Berlin-in-under:3?r=GtXQRNZLj64QB4VAYduxbkiqfzRuU9ju


Rabbi Yaron Reuven explains how Adolf Hitler achieved the greatest economic miracle in human history:


Hellstorm: The Terrible Truth About The Crimes Against The German People (Full Documentary):


Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told:





The Jews And Their Lies By Dr. Martin Luther:



Adolf Hitler: A Last Appeal To Reason by The Impartial Truth:



Here lays the accounts of Adolf Hitler's pleas to the world during the largest bloodshed in mankind's history, World War 2.

Adolf Hitler's most poignant orations which had been buried for almost a century are now available for the world to hear.

Visit the voices of the past to bear witness their side of history.

The unaltered Adolf Hitler, who tried incessantly to avoid the senseless war and its continuation.

Star contrast to what the Western Allies and their pet Communist regime in the East had in plans for Europe and the rest of the world.

They said Adolf Hitler was a warmonger who wanted to rule the world and subjugate all non-Germanic people but that was not that case!


David Irving: Adolf Hitler: https://odysee.com/@Fascist-Freddy:1/David-Irving-Speaks-on-Hitler:1?r=GtXQRNZLj64QB4VAYduxbkiqfzRuU9ju&lid=694b209495fd25607c73f90d3f601de5dda09d41





















