

During the following weeks, Felix got obsessed with the mysterious door. Every time he went to sleep, he saw the door at the end of the hallway. The door was always located in the same place, but the design always changed, sometimes becoming more intricate, while other times it acquired a more simple appearance. Regardless, as soon as he touched the door, he woke up instantly.

Determined to open the door at all costs, Felix stayed awake for four days straight, to tire himself enough to remain asleep and to avoid waking up. Returning to the hallway, Felix ran to the door, pushing it with all his might…

When the door finally opened, he saw himself surrounded by darkness. In the middle of the darkness, was a floating sphere of light, to which Felix was attracted like a moth to a flame. Upon taking a closer look at it, the lynx was able to gaze at something impossible and indecipherable, which then expanded his mind beyond its limits. All of a sudden, he was able to assimilate his existence, perceive the beginning and the end of the universe, and comprehend time and space in its entirety.


When he woke up, Felix knew he had discovered something important - he just didn’t know what that was.