
who make money in the world

There are many people who make money in the world. Some of them make it in an honest way, while others do not. There are even some who steal from others and then invest this money to make more. Here is a list of such people:

The merchants:

Merchants are the people who buy goods at a low price and sell them to consumers at a higher price. This is also called buying low and selling high. Merchants make money from this difference in prices.

Merchants buy goods from producers and sell them to consumers.

The usurers and the money-lenders:

The usurers and the money-lenders are two types of people who make money in this world.

The usurer is a lender who charges interest on his loans to borrowers. He makes his profit from the difference between the price at which he buys something and the price at which he sells it later: for example, if you borrow 100 dollars from him, he gives them to you; but if later on you return him only 90 dollars plus 10% interest, then actually he has made a profit of 10 dollars (he has received more than what he lent). He can also make a profit through buying an item cheaply and selling it dear – or vice versa - depending on market conditions find more 

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The civil servants:

A civil servant is a government employee. The government pays them to do work, but they also get paid a salary. Civil servants make money in several ways:

  • Taxes and fees

  • Money from the government for doing their jobs

The priests and the clergy:

If you are a priest or a pastor, then your income will be from the donations of the believers. You can’t take part in any business.

The begems and bazars:

The world is full of merchants, money-lenders and civil servants. They are the ones who make money in the world. The merchants trade in goods and services; they buy them at low prices and sell them at high prices. The money-lenders lend money to the merchants; they charge interest on their loans which is known as "interest". The civil servants collect taxes from the people and maintain order through law enforcement agencies like police force or army etc., so that people don't fight with each other - this is called "taxes". Priests are paid for their services by offering food grains (rice) animals etc., while clergymen are paid salaries by governments for conducting religious ceremonies like marriage etc.,

There are people who make money from the difference in prices

There are people who make money from the difference in prices. These people include:

  • The merchants, the usurers and the money-lenders

  • The civil servants (for example, customs officers)

  • The priests and the clergy (the parishioners pay their tithes to them)

  • Begs and bazars


There are many ways to make money in the world, but some of them are more common than others. The most common way is by trading goods and services with other people, but there are also other ways like working for someone else or investing in something that might make profits later on. It's important to remember that there are always opportunities when it comes down how much money you want to make https://rapidprofitmachinereview.com/