
Can Mosquito Survive in AC: An eye-opener


Can mosquitoes cope with an air conditioned environment? It could be a crucial thought that might trigger in many of your mind. The first thing you should know is that an air conditioned environment does not kill a mosquito. Let us try and unfurl the issue, can mosquito survive in ac, here in this petite discussion.

With the approach of the unbearable heat of summer, the Air Conditioning system is something that you can not do without. As you intend to remain cool inside the comforting area of the AC room, you also need to understand that you can not fully thwart the growth of mosquitoes. They have the tenacity to survive even within the precincts of the AC system. Therefore, it is more important for you to understand a few crucial guidelines if you really wish to prevent the nettlesome mosquito issues inside your air conditioned rooms.

Can a mosquito lay its eggs inside the AC?

As a matter of fact, AC units could serve as a great breeding ground for mosquitoes and they lay eggs in the stagnant water. Air conditioned ambience is not that much of a threat to the mosquitoes. Reduced humidity as well as low temperature could post a challenge to the mosquitoes but they don’t necessarily annihilate or kill them. If you have dark as well as cool place, you are providing the mosquitoes with a comfortable hideout for sure. They might rest in the AC system in the daytime and be prompted to come out of the hideouts at night.

How to get rid of mosquitoes inside your AC room?

There are some unique methods which you can resort to if you have to get rid of mosquitoes inside your AC room. For example, you might want to make use of standard mosquito repellent solutions. Make sure that the repellent you tend to use is safe enough for you and your family. There are some effective indoor insecticides which you will find fruitful.

There is a simple tactic which you might find immensely useful. To stay out of the issue of heinous mosquitoes, you can get the leverage of useful plants that repel mosquitoes. You can also choose to use garlic sprayer options. To delve deep into this tactic, you should opt for garlic cloves which have been properly crushed. This process works because garlic entails sulfur which happens to be a great repulsive factor for mosquitoes.

Apart from making prompt and proficient use of mosquito repellent, you will need to do your bit by arranging proper screening facilities around the doors and windows of your air conditioned room. You should know that apt insulation techniques will definitely help in the long run to deter mosquitoes as much as possible. If you happen to have an adjacent balcony with the air conditioned room, it’s good for you to install mosquito netting around the balcony.

If you notice that there is standing or stagnant water around or near your AC room, you will definitely need to do something about it. As a matter of fact, standing water serves as the most vital breeding ground. Therefore such a situation should be dealt with on an urgent basis. At the same time, you should ensure that the outdoor space around the air conditioned room needs to be free from dirt.

Regular maintenance is a must

Your air conditioned system can prove to be an easy breeding ground for mosquitoes. Once you install it in your house, you need to get it inspected on a regular basis. It is vital to prevent mosquitoes and bugs which could try to make the AC a natural abode for them. When professionals pay a visit to your domicile, they will inspect every inch of the air conditioning system. Naturally, they will figure out the existence of these annoying creatures and resort to all the important corrective measures.

To sum up…

Aforesaid aspects that have been enlightened upon are some of the most authentic and effective aspects that you should keep in mind when it comes to keeping the nuisance of mosquitoes in check even in a completely air conditioned room. Keep a sharp focus on them and bid adieu to mosquitoes and ancillary trouble. Use the guidelines shared here to your advantage and you will definitely enjoy a win-win situation for sure. When you get the most apt measures by your side, it becomes easy for you to curb the nuisance caused by mosquitoes.