
A Comprehensive Guide to Studying in the UK from Nepal


We're glad you're here at A Complete Guide to Studying in the UK from Nepal. Many students aspire to study in the UK, and for Nepalese students, this goal is becoming more and more feasible. The UK is a fantastic environment for students to learn new things and expand their horizons, with a top-notch educational system and a vast variety of cultural experiences.


However for some students, especially those from Nepal who might not be familiar with the UK educational system, studying in the UK might be daunting and confusing.


As a result, this comprehensive guide is designed to take you step-by-step through the entire procedure, from selecting an institution to requesting a visa. This book will assist you in navigating the challenging world of studying in the UK, whether you're a high school student seeking undergraduate courses or a postgraduate student hoping to advance your degree. Let's start off on this fascinating voyage together!


UK at a glance- 


  • Capital City: London
  • Area: 93,630 km2
  • Currency: Pound Sterling (£)
  • Population: 67,363,000
  • Official Language- English 
  • The large cities: are Manchester, Birmingham, London, Oxford, Lincoln, Cambridge, Glasgow, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Bristol, and Sunderland.
  • Education: Britain now has more than 180 universities, 50 colleges, and 60 boarding schools, all welcoming foreign students to study.

What advantages do Nepali students have when they study in the UK?


With four of the top ten colleges in the world and the second-highest number of Nobel Prize winners worldwide, the UK enjoys a stellar reputation abroad. Also, a wide variety of internationally renowned degrees are offered by the UK's leading universities, giving students a great head start on a successful career.


A bachelor's degree can be earned in the UK in just three to four years. For international students, a master's program normally lasts one to two years and lowers their educational and living expenses. Furthermore, international students can study in the UK for less money thanks to the scholarships, grants, and bursaries that UK institutions provide.


Also, international students have a variety of employment options thanks to their ability to work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and full-time during breaks. International students can work part-time while completing their education in the UK, giving them a distinctive and interesting experience.


A cultural experience for students who study in the UK from Nepal


Because to its long academic tradition, benevolent post-study visa regulations, and hospitable residents, the United Kingdom is a major study destination for over 600,000 international students each year.

Yet, many Nepalese students may be concerned about their difficulties while they travel, such as whether they would be able to make friends or feel lonely.

Authentic Nepalese food may not be readily available in the UK, and Nepalese students may worry about having to change their eating preferences.


The various urban cultures:


Depending on where your university is located, your experience as a student in the UK may differ. Many overseas students reside in cities like London, Coventry, Liverpool, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, making it very simple to meet people and form friendships. Finding meal alternatives and making friends are usually simple tasks for the Nepalese students studying in these major UK locations.


The "UK Council for International Student Affairs" (UKCISA), a consultative group that helps international students and those who interact with them, was founded in 1968. UKCISA offers assistance to international students with immigration, fees, student support, cross-cultural orientation, and mental health training. Students can speak with a UKCISA volunteer for the most recent details on visa and immigration laws, student loans, tuition costs, and other facets of the college experience.


Discover the English way of life:


A great chance to broaden your cultural horizons and meet individuals from all origins is studying in the UK. But, the advantages don't stop there.


You can gain a strong sense of identity and individuality through this exposure to many cultures, which can make for an effective off-campus learning opportunity. You might pick up English traits while you're in the UK, including a preference for English tea. At the conclusion of your trip, you might even realize that the majority of your wardrobe consists of navy or black clothing.


Enjoy the pleasant weather in the UK:


The UK receives its fair share of rain, as is widely known. Contrary to popular assumption, it can occasionally be snowy or icy. In the UK, it frequently rains and is overcast. Yet, there has been a discernible change in the environment recently, with the UK enjoying some pleasant summer weather. It's not entirely unexpected because this change in weather patterns has provided inhabitants with a wonderful variety of weather!


UK Education System at a Glance for Studying in the UK from Nepal

In 2020, there were 131 universities located in England and an additional 21 universities spread across Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 


  • Despite its small size, the UK has a notable concentration of universities that offer education at the university level.
  • Four of the top universities in the UK rank among the top six universities globally. 
  • The UK also provides a wide range of options for undergraduate courses, with over 50,000 courses available. 
  • Thus, the UK presents a great opportunity to find a suitable course for prospective students.

The critical stages of the UK education system are-

  • UK primary education
  • Secondary school- years 7 and 8
  • Secondary education – years 10 and 11
  • University preparation – years 12 and 13
  • Further education – vocational courses
  • University – foundation courses
  • University – undergraduate study
  • University – postgraduate study

Making the decision to attend university in the UK from Nepal provides a distinctive experience that emphasizes academic excellence and high-quality education. It also gives one the chance to learn important cultural lessons and values.

The UK's education system is famous for its high caliber programs and unwavering commitment to learning and achievement. As a result, it provides the best atmosphere for developing your skills and knowledge, enabling you to succeed in your chosen profession and get ready for a good employment. In the UK, there are two different kinds of universities: traditional and modern/post-1992 universities. Several of the best universities in the UK are ranked among the top six institutions worldwide.


UK Grading system:

There are various separate categories in the internationally renowned British university grading system. The range of percentage marks that students receive on university exams is the basis for these classifications.


  • First-class honours: typically 70% or higher 
  • Second-class honours, upper division: typically 60–69%
  • Second-class honours, lower division: typically 50–59%
  • Third-class honours: typically 40–49%
  • Without honours: awarded an ordinary degree, sometimes called a “pass.”

It is highly appreciated to graduate with first-class honors and to receive first-class grades, but it is challenging. Second-class honors are a frequent and valued accomplishment. Also, the UK has its own distinct conversion formula for converting grades obtained in other nations to the UK grading system.

You will have many options when thinking about studying in the UK because there is a wide variety of more than 50,000 undergraduate programmes accessible. This makes the UK a fantastic place to look for the ideal course that fits your objectives and interests.


Cost of Studying in the UK from Nepal

Due to its affordable educational levels, the UK is a popular study abroad destination for Nepalese students. With a three-year undergraduate degree and a one-year postgraduate degree, earning a degree from a top UK university takes less time than alternative study options.


By doing this, tuition costs are reduced and a high-quality education is guaranteed. For undergraduate degrees, the cost to study in the UK from Nepal ranges from £10,000 to £25,000 per year, while postgraduate programs can cost up to £40,000 per year. Also, the UK has a socialized healthcare system, making medical care more affordable for foreign students.


Documents for UK Education Visa 

In the UK, obtaining a student visa is simple and quick. A short-term study visa is allowed for up to six months for those looking to enroll in a brief course of study. For individuals interested in a lengthier term of study, it is crucial to confirm that the institution you have chosen has a Tier 4 sponsor license.




  • A passport that is currently valid.
  • Financial records demonstrating sufficient funds to cover your expenses throughout your course.
  • IHS Surcharge 
  • English language proficiency certificate
  • Bank statement 
  • Sponsorship letter
  • Work experience letter 
  • A Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number.
  • Recent color passport photos.
  • An Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) clearance certificate.

You may also need to provide


Depending on your situation, you'll need to provide evidence that you have the money to maintain yourself and pay for your education. a current ATAS certificate, if needed for your course and country of citizenship.

If you are under 18, you must provide documentation of your relationship to your parent or guardian as well as proof of parental or other legal guardian consent. Your tuberculosis test results and written approval of your application from your financial sponsor, if you have received financial support in the last year for your living expenses and course fees.


Required Health insurance for studying in the UK from Nepal

The National Health Service, or NHS, is the United Kingdom's program for providing health insurance to international students. Foreign students who study in the UK for at least six months on a tier 4 student visa may be qualified for NHS benefits. Individuals who are eligible will be given the same advantages as UK citizens. Prior to visiting the UK, students should acquire international student health insurance.


Top cities in the UK for international students from Nepal 

Every UK city has its own distinctive charm, so it's simple to fall in love wherever you study. No matter where you end up, the United Kingdom offers a number of excellent possibilities that guarantee a bright future. Some of the top cities in the UK for education are listed below:

The greatest city in the UK to study is London, which has 18 institutions listed in the Q.S. World University Rankings 2020, two of which are among the top 10 universities in the world.


  • Edinburgh, a city with a lot of natural beauty and a lengthy history, is home to the University of Edinburgh, which is ranked 20th in the world.
  • Manchester performs highly in terms of living conditions, employment opportunities, and university amenities. It's an affordable city that welcomes students.
  • Glasgow is ranked fourth globally and fourth in the UK for best student cities. It offers a diversified student body and top-50 university rankings.
  • Coventry, which has 42% of its residents from abroad, is the third-most diverse city in the world. It is a welcoming city for students, coming in at number 47 on the list of the Best Student Cities.


Top-ranked University for study in the UK from Nepal 

Uncover prospects for top-notch education in the UK from Nepal! For Nepalese students studying in the UK, these top universities provide great academic programs and a multicultural, welcoming environment. -


  1. University of Kent
  2. University Of Surrey
  3. University of Reading
  4. University of Essex
  5. University of York
  6. Queen’s University Belfast
  7. Brunel University London
  8. Cranfield University
  9. University of Sussex
  10. University of East Anglia
  11. University of Dundee
  12.  University of Strathclyde

International Scholarships in the UK


The UK has one of the best higher education systems in the world, and overseas students can take advantage of a variety of financial aid programs. Examine the scholarships provided by the UK government below if you have strong academic credentials and desire to study there.


Outstanding students with remarkable academic accomplishments and leadership abilities are given the Chevening Scholarship. The winners of financial aid are chosen by the British Embassies around the world to pursue a one-year Master's degree at any renowned UK university. This award benefits more than 1500 students worldwide each year.


The admission percentage for the highly coveted yet fiercely contested Erasmus Mundus Scholarship is less than 5%. The chosen candidate will receive 31,000 pounds per year for two years.


International students may apply for the Commonwealth Split-site Ph.D. Scholarships, which are completely sponsored by the UK government. The scholarship pays the recipient's tuition as well as their allowances and air travel costs.


For international students, the Ministry of Defense Competition for High-Resolution Imaging offers partial financing scholarships with a prize of £500,000. These scholarships are available at a variety of colleges around the world.


The Inter-Pacific Bar Association offers the IPBA Scholarship, a partial support for international students. Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Mongolia, Bangladesh, and the Pacific Islands are among the countries that can submit applications.


The University of Oxford's esteemed Rhodes Trust Scholarship is a distinguished scholarship that includes £15,900 in funding in addition to full tuition coverage. 95 students from more than 64 countries are awarded this prize.


Students from underdeveloped nations who are struggling financially are given full tuition coverage as well as an accommodation allowance through the University of Bradford Global Development Scholarships.


Students at the University of Bradford pursuing a Master's degree, other than an MBA, are eligible for this award.

Candidates with outstanding academic accomplishments and leadership skills are eligible for the University of London Varadi Online Learning Scholarship.


This scholarship is available to students all over the world and pays the entire tuition cost for attending the University of London.

The International Excellence Scholarship is offered to international students by the University of Roehampton and is valued up to £4000 per year.


This fellowship is open to students enrolled in postgraduate and bachelor's degrees who have excelled academically.


Top-ranked courses for study in the UK from Nepal


There are some top courses for study in the UK from Nepal:


1. Computer Science and Information Technology


The opportunity for employment is a benefit of studying computer science and information technology in the UK. With several digital firms and startups in locations like London, Manchester, and Edinburgh, the UK boasts a thriving technology sector. It is easier for graduates to acquire jobs after completing their education because these businesses continually want qualified employees in computer science and information technology.


2. Healthcare Management


In the crucial discipline of healthcare management, everyday operations of medical facilities are monitored, staff is managed, and patients are given high-quality treatment. UK healthcare management can be rewarding and offer students knowledge, abilities, and employment opportunities.


3. Social Work


The goal of social work is to improve people's health and quality of life in individuals, families, and communities. A programme of study in the UK can be beneficial for those who want to pursue a profession in social work.


4. Agriculture and Forestry

Studying forestry and agriculture in the UK can provide students a top-notch education, hands-on experience, and a wide range of job options in industries that are crucial for the long-term advancement of society. Although it could be difficult, the rewards may outweigh the costs, making it a worthy investment in one's education and chances for the future.


5. Project Management

It can be a wise investment in one's future educational and professional chances to study project management in the UK. In today's hectic business world, project management is a crucial ability. Students can acquire the knowledge, abilities, and experience necessary to excel in a variety of occupations by earning a degree in this area.


6. International Business Management

Students can benefit from a great education and professional prospects in a constantly expanding industry by studying international business management in the UK. Because of how the business world is still being shaped by globalization, there is a strong demand for experts who are familiar with these processes.


7. Engineering

One of the most coveted and revered professions today is engineering. In the United Kingdom, many foreign students study engineering (UK). The best engineering schools in the world are located in this nation.


8. MBA

A varied student group is another benefit of pursuing an MBA in the UK. Students from all over the world attend UK institutions, fostering a cosmopolitan environment where they may learn from one another and develop a perspective on business from a global perspective. For those who intend to work in foreign markets, this exposure to diverse cultures and business techniques is advantageous.


9. Nursing

Caregiving for those who are ill, injured, or in need of medical attention is the responsibility of the lucrative and highly recognized profession of nursing. Because it provides a top-notch education and promising employment opportunities, the United Kingdom (UK) is a well-liked study abroad location for individuals interested in nursing.


10. Public Health

It can be interesting and valuable to learn about public health in the UK. In order to promote population health and lower disease prevalence, the study of public health integrates several interdisciplinary disciplines, including epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental health, health policy, and global health.


11. Environmental Science

Those who want to learn more about the intricate connections between people and the environment can consider studying environmental science in the UK. To comprehend environmental issues and create answers, environmental science is an interdisciplinary field that combines elements of biology, chemistry, geology, and physics.


12. Psychology

For those who want to learn more about the study of human behavior and mental processes, studying psychology in the UK can be a great option. Understanding human behavior and mental health requires a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates elements of biology, society, philosophy, and neuroscience.


How to apply for study in the UK from Nepal


  • For registration with AHZ Associates and a consultation with a knowledgeable education advisor, kindly complete the enquiry form below.
  • We will assist you with UCAS registration (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service)
  • Around 50,000 different courses are offered; select the ones you want.
  • We will support you when you take an English test (IELTS, TOEFL, or PTE)
  • will help you locate the university that best suits your needs and budget.
  • With the several top-ranked UK universities with whom we have great working relationships
  • We will streamline the process of studying in the UK from Nepal.

As soon as you've decided on the course you want to enroll in, we'll assist you in completing your online application to make things simpler for you. You must wait for an answer after submitting your visa application. Once your application has been accepted, you may pick up your passport and start your exciting adventure to study in the UK. Pre-departure and post-arrival events are organized for you by AHZ Associates!


Career opportunities in the UK for international students


For international students looking for chances to launch lucrative professions, the UK is a top choice. According to the World Bank, the UK has the fifth-largest economy in the world and a booming job market with lots of room for expansion.


Universities in the UK provide degree programs in well-paying, in-demand professions in current labor market. As a result, earning specific degrees can open up lucrative professional opportunities. The following are some of the UK's highest-paying degrees:


  • MBA
  • Executive MBA
  • Masters in finance
  • LLM
  • Doctorate

Popular job sectors in the UK-


  • Law
  • Apps, web, and e-commerce
  • Energy, Mining, Chemicals, Environmental
  • Pharmaceuticals & Biotech
  • Consumer goods
  • Transportation and logistics
  • Consulting and professional services
  • Retail and trade
  • Media and communication
  • Public sector and education
  • Service, tourism, restaurants
  • Health care
  • Charity and not profit
  • Sports, culture, and recreation
  • Construction and real estate

Intakes in the UK for international students


If you are planning to study in the UK from Nepal, it is essential to understand the intakes available for your chosen course. The academic year in the UK is divided into three main intakes: 


  • September/October
  • January
  • April/May

The most well-liked intake occurs in September or October, at the start of the academic year. Most overseas students prefer this intake, which is offered for practically all programmes. Students have plenty of time to adjust to their new surroundings, make friends, and settle in.


January Intake: Among international students, particularly those who miss the September/October deadline, January intake ranks second in popularity. However, not every course is offered in January, so make sure to check with the college or university you wish to attend.


April/May Intake—Only a few universities and courses offer this relatively uncommon intake. Usually, it is for programs that focus on research or postgraduate courses.


The optimum time to apply is as early as possible because different universities have different application deadlines. You should check with your selected college and make preparations in advance because some universities accept applications up to a year in advance.


Before deciding to pursue a degree of study in the UK from Nepal, it is essential to comprehend the intakes that are offered for that program. To avoid any last-minute issues, make sure to confirm with your selected institution or college the availability of intakes and application deadlines.


Final Words


Although it involves considerable planning and preparation, studying in the UK from Nepal may be an exciting and rewarding experience. This thorough guide covers a variety of topics related to studying in the UK, such as entrance requirements, scholarships, visa application processes, finance possibilities, and housing. Starting your preparations early and properly investigating your possibilities are essential if you're an international student from Nepal.


Also, you must make sure you meet the admission standards for the program and university you have chosen before applying. Before visiting the UK, you must also apply for a student visa and demonstrate that you have the necessary English language skills.


Overall, studying in the UK from Nepal can give you access to a top-notch education, priceless skills and experiences, and the chance to become fully immersed in a different culture. You can make the most of your study abroad experience and reach your academic and professional objectives with the correct planning and assistance.