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7 Essential Skills and Qualities a Security Guard Must Have

Security Guards are often the first line of defense in protecting property and people. As such, they must possess a wide range of skills and qualities. These skills include being able to use technology, quick thinking, discipline, attention to detail, communication skills, being physically fit, and excellent customer service skills.


A security guard must be able to use technology, quick thinking, discipline, and attention to detail.

  • A security guard must be able to use technology. Although it's not the most glamorous of jobs, there are some important tasks that require technological proficiency. Your ability to use a computer and smartphone could help you in many ways:
  • Quick thinking is also key if you want to succeed as a security guard. You'll need this quality when dealing with potentially dangerous situations or emergencies, as well as when making quick decisions about arrests and citations (or not).
  • Discipline is another essential skill for any successful security officer--and one that many people find difficult to master! Being disciplined means having self-control over your actions; this quality will allow you to follow rules consistently so that no one ever questions whether or not something was done correctly by someone who wasn't supposed to do it at all times during every shift they work out on their own time off site location instead of coming back home right away after work hours end because they're too tired after putting all those long hours into making sure everything goes smoothly throughout those eight hour shifts which usually takes place during peak traffic times between 4pm - 6pm Monday through Friday evenings before heading out again come Monday morning bright eyed early without fail every single week without fail until retirement day comes around someday soon hopefully sooner rather than later depending upon how many years from now happens before then maybe even sooner than expected depending upon how much money gets saved up over time spent working hard everyday faithfully every single day faithfully without stopping once since childhood until death do us part


The best security guards must possess a wide range of skills and qualities.

A security guard must possess a wide range of skills and qualities. For example, the best security guards should be able to use technology like computers and mobile phones to communicate with their clients, as well as other employees. They must also be able to think quickly in emergency situations, act decisively when necessary, pay attention to detail, and communicate well with others (both inside and outside of work).


Ability to Use Technology

Security guards should be able to use technology. The following are some examples of how technology is used by security guards:

  • Communication with other security guards and clients, including the ability to communicate via radio, cell phone or walkie-talkie.
  • Monitoring the property using cameras and video recording equipment. This includes keeping track of people and vehicles entering or exiting premises; recording incidents as they happen; documenting evidence for police officers who respond to calls at night (such as break-ins).


Quick Thinking Skills

A security guard must be able to make quick decisions and think on his feet. In the event of an emergency, you need to be able to react quickly and intelligently in order to keep yourself and others safe. For example, if there is a fire in your building, you will need to know where all of the exits are located so that everyone can get out safely.

It's also important for guards not only to know how best to handle dangerous situations but also how best NOT TO handle them--for example, by trying too hard or being too aggressive when dealing with hostile individuals who may have weapons or other dangerous objects at hand (like knives).


Ability to Be Discipline

  • Discipline is important in any job. As a security guard, you must be able to follow instructions and work independently. You also need the ability to work as a team when necessary and under pressure.
  • Security Guards should be able to maintain their focus on their tasks even when there are distractions around them. A good example would be if someone were trying to break into a building or car while they were patrolling it; they should not let this distract them from doing their job well (keeping an eye out for suspicious activity).


Communication Skills

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In order to communicate with the general public, you must be able to speak clearly and with confidence. A security guard must be able to listen to instructions and follow them. Security guards also need effective communication skills when working with other security guards or law enforcement officers who may need assistance from your team. A good communicator will be able to relay information quickly and clearly without being interrupted by others nearby during an emergency situation such as an active shooter scenario at a school or mall where hundreds of people are present on a daily basis


Being Physically Fit

Being physically fit is an essential skill for a security guard. A good physical fitness level will help you perform your duties more easily and efficiently and help you avoid injury or illness. A security guard should be able to run, walk and climb stairs without difficulty. If your company requires a certain level of fitness from its employees, make sure that you maintain this standard throughout your employment.


Excellent Customer Service Skills

Customer service skills are essential for any security guard. They can be learned, but it takes time and effort to develop them. If you don't have good customer service skills, then it will be hard for you to keep your job as a security guard because of the amount of interaction that occurs between public and private security personnel. It's important that any job requires good customer service skills; however, this is especially true when working in an environment where many people come in contact with each other daily. Good customer service is essential because it ensures everyone feels comfortable while they're in your place of business or venue (such as an event).


Ability to Use Technology

The ability to use technology is essential for all security guards. Knowledge of the latest technology can help them do their job more effectively, which in turn will make them more valuable to their company or client. Some examples of technical skills include:

  • Using computers, tablets, and smartphones
  • Social media (e-mailing and texting)


Quick Thinking Skills

One of the most important qualities a Security Guard must have is quick thinking. Security Guards are constantly faced with situations that call for them to make decisions quickly and act on their feet, so it's important that they're able to think creatively and critically in order to handle any situation effectively.

Here are some things you should look for when evaluating candidates' quick-thinking skills:

  • Can they think on their feet?
  • Do they adapt well under pressure?
  • Are they able to make good judgments based on limited information (e.g., how many people were involved in an altercation)?


Ability to Be Discipline

The ability to be disciplined is a key skill for any security guard. You must be able to follow rules, regulations, directions, and orders. Your work schedule won't always be the same, but it's important that you know what time you're supposed to arrive at the job site each day and stick with it. If there are changes in your schedule due to holidays or other reasons, make sure that everyone knows what's going on so no one gets confused or feels like they're being treated unfairly because they weren't informed of an adjustment in their hours until after they showed up for work on time (and therefore had already missed some pay).


To maintain discipline within yourself and others who may report directly back into your supervision chain (like fellow guards), make sure everyone understands how things should run within their respective areas of responsibility--this includes everything from ensuring proper use of uniforms/uniform standards during shifts; following safety protocols such as wearing gloves when handling hazardous materials; knowing evacuation routes outta buildings etcetera...


Security guards play an essential role in ensuring the safety of the people and property of the organization.

Security guards play an essential role in ensuring the safety of the people and property of the organization. They are the first line of defense and must possess the skills and qualities needed to keep their clients safe. The best security guards must possess a wide range of skills and qualities.



We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of what it takes to be a security guard or the qualities a Security Guard should have. If you are interested in pursuing this career path, we encourage you to learn more about what it takes by reading our other articles on the subject!