Small business loans are a great way for your business to grow and expand if you offer great products and services, but you may find it difficult to keep up with demand, but don't worry small business loans in Los Angeles can help you.
Our company, Quiqloans, offers a great way to get your business off the ground, especially if you're looking to open new locations or expand into new market areas. The amount you can get with this type of loan depends on how much your business needs at any given time.
If you have a new business idea but can't afford the risk. You've been in the same job for years, don't want to take risks with a new business, already own a small business, but want to expand your business and may need a little more capital to do so. Whatever it is, we are always here for you.
We offer Los Angeles County small business loans for both startups and established businesses because we understand that no two businesses are the same. As such, we offer flexible terms tailored to each client's specific needs, and unlike traditional lenders, we do not require collateral or even an established credit history.
QuiqLoans customers come from a variety of industries. They are borrowing from us to transform, rebuild and expand their businesses. These include hotels, motels, day care centers, auto repair shops, car dealerships, gas stations, car washes, disposable buildings, and animal hospitals.
We also provide financing for capital investment, bookbinding and printing equipment, diagnostic technology, heavy equipment, dry cleaning and laundry equipment, machine tools, manufacturing equipment, trucking equipment, and medical equipments.
The terms of the SBA loan are loose. Up to 80% of the loan can be financed and the typical term is 15 years. There is no fine if you pay in advance. In addition, prequalification will take place within 48 hours of submitting your application.
We consider many factors when deciding which SBA loan application to approve, but the most important is your company's cash flow. We offer competitive lending rates. We also offer fixed and variable interest rates.
All you need is proof that your business will thrive after your loan is repaid. We are confident in our ability to help our clients realize their dreams and offer up to 80% loan-to-value (LTV) on all loans. Whether you need a down payment of $10,000, $100,000, or more, we can help.