The EFOG-EBCOG test is a thorough assessment meant to gauge a candidate’s proficiency in obstetrics and gynecology and open doors to prospects across Europe.
EFOG EBCOG Exam Pattern
The test consists of two sections: the Knowledge-Based Assessment (KBA) known as EFOG Part 1 and the Clinical Skills Assessment (OSCE) known as EFOG Part 2. Candidates are awarded the European Fellow of Obstetrics and Gynecology (EFOG) — EBCOG certificate upon passing both sections.
Process to Complete in the Exam Venue
On the day of the EFOG EBCOG exam, applicants are required to arrive for registration one hour in advance. It is required of candidates to bring identity documents and computers. Power cords, the proper outlets, and any necessary adapters should not be overlooked. Remember, pills are not allowed in the examination.
At the registration counter, candidates will register for the exam after they arrive at the venue. Candidates must present a valid identity card or passport that has their name and photo on it. Following registration, candidates are given a special login ID, shown to their exam room seats, and told to check in right away.
Things to Keep in Mind While Appearing for the Exam
There are specific standards that candidates must follow during the exam.
There will be two time warnings: one thirty minutes and one fifteen minutes before to the exam’s conclusion. It is totally prohibited to take pictures in the exam room at any time. Throughout the test, there will be constant observation to stop cheating.
Until they leave the test room, candidates are not allowed to speak with one another. If you don’t follow the rules, you risk being disqualified and being prohibited from taking the test for two years. A candidate will have an invigilator with them if they need to leave the room momentarily for personal reasons.
It is strictly forbidden to use a mobile phone in the exam room. Candidates must turn off their phones and give them to the exam personnel before they can enter. The phones can only be collected after leaving the examination hall, where they will be safely stored in envelopes bearing names.
Within the exam room, you are not permitted to bring any electronic devices, textbooks, papers, documents, or calculators. If necessary, paper sheets and pencils will be available for use during the exam.
Upon the conclusion of the exam, candidates are required to cease working, turn in their papers electronically, and wait for their results to be emailed to them fifteen days later.
These are the items you should consider both before and during the EFOG-EBCOG exam if you choose to take it. To learn more, StudyEFOG is the best choice.