
The difference between a valid contract and a bathil contract in Islam

The difference between a valid contract and a bathil contract in Islam

A contract is an agreement or contract made by two or more parties to carry out an activity or action in accordance with applicable law. In Islamic teachings, there are two types of contracts known: valid contracts and false contracts.


A valid contract is one that is in accordance with the basic principles of Islamic law, such as not harming either party, does not contain elements that are prohibited in religion, and does not conflict with applicable law. A valid contract is a valid contract, and its validity can be recognized.


Meanwhile, a contract of vanity is a contract that is not in accordance with the basic principles of Islamic law. There are two types of null and void contracts, namely, contracts that are totally invalid and contracts that are invalid in part. A totally vanity contract is a contract that is not valid at all because it contains elements that are prohibited in religion, such as usury, gambling, and so on. Meanwhile, a contract that is partially invalid is a contract that is only partially valid, while others are invalid.


The difference between a valid contract and a false contract lies in conformity with the basic principles of Islamic law. A valid contract is one that is in accordance with these principles, while a false contract is a contract that is not in accordance with these principles. Therefore, a shahih contract is a valid contract, and its validity and validity can be recognized, while a false contract is an invalid contract, and its validity and validity cannot be recognized.


What does sahih and vanity mean?


Saheeh means valid or true, while batil means invalid or wrong. In this case, shahih is used to show that a contract or agreement is in accordance with the basic principles of Islamic law and its validity can be recognized. Meanwhile, bathil is used to show that a contract or agreement is not in accordance with the basic principles of Islamic law and that its validity cannot be recognized.


What is the difference between a valid sale and a wrong sale?


Sale of authentic is a sale and purchase transaction in accordance with the basic principles of Islamic law. This transaction does not harm either party, does not contain elements that are prohibited in religion, and does not conflict with applicable law. Sahih sale is a legitimate sale and purchase transaction, and its validity can be recognized.


Vanity buying and selling is a buying and selling transaction that is not in accordance with the basic principles of Islamic law. There are two types of buying and selling, namely, buying and selling that is totally vanity and buying and selling that is partially wrong. Totally vanity buying and selling is a sale and purchase transaction that is not legal at all because it contains elements that are forbidden in religion, such as usury, gambling, and so on. Meanwhile, a sale and purchase that is partially invalid is a sale and purchase transaction that is only partially valid, while others are not valid.


The difference between authentic and false sales lies in conformity with the basic principles of Islamic law. A valid sale is a sale and purchase transaction that is in accordance with these principles, while a sale and purchase that is false is a sale and purchase transaction that is not in accordance with these principles. Therefore, a valid sale is a sale and purchase transaction that is legal and its validity and validity can be recognized, while a vanity sale is a sale and purchase transaction that is not valid, and its validity and validity cannot be recognized.


What are some examples of valid contracts?


The following are some examples of authentic contracts:


  1. Contract of sale and purchase of goods, in which the goods being sold are lawful goods and do not harm either party.
  2. Work contract or work agreement, where the agreement is in accordance with the conditions specified in Islamic law.
  3. Engagement contract, where the contract does not harm either party and does not contain elements that are forbidden in religion.
  4. Akad financing or loan agreements, where the contract does not contain elements of usury.
  5. Lease agreement contract, where the contract is in accordance with the basic principles of Islamic law.


Those are some examples of authentic contracts. All contracts that comply with the basic principles of Islamic law, do not harm either party, and do not contain elements that are forbidden in religion can be categorized as valid contracts.


source: shariaagency