
Furnace Maintenance Tips from Salt Lake City’s Leading HVAC Experts


Salt Lake City enjoys a picturesque landscape and beautiful seasonal changes, making it a highly desirable place to live and operate a business. The outdoors can be a welcome site anytime you wake up. It can also quickly turn into a challenging situation when managing a property. That is why it is crucial that you understand why regular upkeep with quality furnace service Salt Lake City providers is vital.
Before we get into some essential tips to help you along your way, remember that every furnace is going to be unique. While they all share an absolute need for regular maintenance schedules, there are little quirks and details you’ll find out about your system that differentiate it from others. Keep those in mind as you read through these tips.
#1: Regular Filter Replacement:
An often overlooked yet incredibly effective way to maintain your HVAC system is to replace or clean the filter. Anytime this filter gets overly congested with dirt and debris, it reduces the airflow of your system. Shoot for replacing your filter every 90 days or anytime after an extreme dust storm.
#2: Annual Professional Inspections:

Of course, the best way to maintain your HVAC system and heating elements is to work with a trusted furnace service Salt Lake City provider. Our team at CMB HVAC is more than happy to schedule regular maintenance visits and annual professional inspections that ensure nothing is missed and your system is operable all year around.
#3: Keep the Area Clear:
Do your best to keep the space around your furnace free from any debris, storage materials, or other equipment. This is especially true if you have anything that is flammable and can be a potential fire hazard down the road. The point of this is to ensure proper airflow through your system. 
#4: Check Your Thermostat:

If you can, test your thermostat to ensure it is properly functioning. Anytime that little device gets out of whack, it can lead to uneven heating and increased wear and tear on your furnace, which will definitely impact your monthly bills.
#5: Inspect Your Ductwork:
Similar to your filter, whenever there are backed-up ducts or a sizable leak, it will reduce the efficiency of your furnace system. Try to inspect these visually for any signs of damage and hire a professional to clean them periodically at least once a year.
#6: Listen for Unusual Noises:
It may seem Elementary, but being an active listener to your furnace system will indicate potential problems. Anytime you can hear unwanted rattling, buzzing, or whistling, you may want to call in a professional for furnace service Salt Lake City cleaning and repair. This could be something as simple as a bunch of bees making a home for the winter inside your system or a significant furnace issue that no one has noticed yet. 
Most importantly, keep a close eye on your monthly energy bills. Anytime you see a sudden spike in those bills, it’s signaling that there’s some sort of lost efficiency. Regular maintenance can identify a lot of those problems before they happen. Looking back on the previous month’s energy bill will give you a detailed explanation of any days when your system was working on overdrive.


The best way to go about any kind of furnace maintenance is by hiring our team at CMB HVAC. We offer professional furnace service Salt Lake City solutions that prepare your system for seasonal changes and extend the overall lifespan. We help by preventing any unexpected breakdowns, especially during Salt Lake City’s colder months. Give us a call today and let’s keep your system in full operation so that your family and friends stay warm and cozy all year round.