
Infinity Cube | Infinity Cube Chapter 13 (Patreon Pre-Release)

  Infinity Cube Chapter 13




"I can handle my arousal and remain functional with ease, unless Alice or Mei release the limiter on my pleasure," Claire repeated softly even in her sleep as she lay, gently writhing in her sleep on the back seats of my car. Clearly having a 'wet' dream.


I sighed with relief as I watched her body visibly relax. Releasing her from the cube and stashing it back into a specialized carrying case I grabbed from the lab on our way out.


"What do we do with her?" I asked, feeling a bit annoyed having to deal with the aftermath of Mei's decisions.


"I don't know! I just didn't want her to hurt you, and now…" Mei was clearly feeling some sub-drop, and maybe even dom-drop on top of that.


"Ok ok, well. We can keep her in the basement for now. We just need to think this time about what we do with the cube." I stressed. Mei's impulsiveness probably saved our asses but also resulted in yet another life altering mess. I couldn't say I was disappointed in the results at all, but that didn't excuse recklessness. Post nut clarity be damned.


"Are you saying we're kidnapping her?!" She gasped. I rolled my eyes at her response but nodded.


"Yes babe, we're kidnapping the interdimensional invader and putting her in our basement." I said with a flat voice. It was hard not to feel somewhat more… Important than Mei. In this new world of ours, I kind of was? Lesbian relationships are a lot more normal now, and because of the breast hierarchy, I was the one who led the relationship. At least publicly in most cases; not like I wasn't in private either. Our dynamic has once again shifted, with me on top the majority of the time. I made the big decisions.


"Just until we get through your mother's visit. Then we can deal with her more thoroughly." I added, stepping close to Mei; bringing her into a deep hug.


"Shit. I forgot about that." She muttered while snuggling into my embrace.


"So, let's get some sleep first. Then tomorrow we'll make a plan and start prepping. Luckily we don't have classes so at least we can put our full attention on this."


"Wait, but my streaming schedule." Mei pouted, breaking away from my hold to stomp her way to the passenger side of the car.


"Anything I can do to help?" My skin went cold. That wasn't Mei's voice, but it came from behind her. There was another car, and climbing out was a small woman with blue hair.


"Millie?! What the hell are you doing here?" No way I wanted to deal with her shit, especially not with a perpetually horny interdimensional government agent passed out in the back of my car.


"Oh.. you know, picking up some equipment I left behind. Looks like I'm not the only one!" The girl giggled, staring at the case I'd put the cube in.


Mei wasn't having it though.


"Cut the shit Mil. We already have enough to deal with right now. Sorry, but no." Mei growled at Millie. It was actually pretty cute how much Mei acted like my guard dog.


I got into the driver's seat and started the engine. Leaving Mei to chew out my creepy classmate, I didn't want to get involved.


"Millie. Go home." Mei was not at all asking politely. Propping up her huge breasts with her arms, asserting her dominance. Millie's tits were even worse than Claire's. Which only spurred me even more with how much the woman would act like we were best friends. She'd been following me around like a lost puppy since elementary school until I finally left for the private academy where I met Mei Lin instead of my town’s rundown underfunded public highschool.


Imagine my headache when Millie shows up in my theoretical physics classes. I swear, I was too nice to her as a kid.


Outside the car, Millie backed down; hanging her head out of respect to the superiorly breasted woman. Quickly getting into her vehicle and zipping off into the night.


* * *


"And whatever you do, do not touch the cube". I finished while rolling my eyes at the sticky note Mei Lin had placed on the cube. A set of simple instructions we'd worked out together but a sticky note was kind of silly.


"Yes Goddess. I will do my best." Claire bowed, looking rather silly in the hypersexualized maid outfit Mei had dug out of her cosplay closet. It didn't fit well but it was cute at least.


"Good, now help me into this corset."


* *


"Are you sure it was ok to leave her at the house alone?" Mei asked as we pulled into the local supermarket parking lot.


"As long as she follows the rules I set, she should be fine." I shrugged. The woman was some kind of interdimensional government agent, she was probably far more capable than she seemed. Despite being ridiculously pathetic. The damn bitch was practically humping my leg before we left, I'd say it was cute if I really cared.


I smirked, shooting a sly look at Mei as we exited the car, "I should have you grinding on me like that sometime baby."


Mei Lin paused with her face turning a bright shade of pink before she quickened her pace to catch up to me. "You're just joking right?" Mei chuckled nervously.


"Not even a little." I replied, giving a hard smack to her ass just as we entered the supermarket. Mei jumped and squeaked like a toy, looking up at me with a defiance that actually made me feel kind of bad.


"Alice! I love you but seriously?" My girlfriend scolded in a hushed, but no less harsh tone. "I know things are different now, but you can't just do whatever you want!"


"Can't I?" My words were laced with rhetorical venom of which I immediately regretted.


"No. Alice. You can't." Mei huffed and walked off towards the cafe without me.


My initial reaction would have been to roll my eyes but I held back the urge. Mei has like what, four sets of memories now? Meanwhile I only have two and this new timeline is like a dream come true. For me at least. I knew Mei Lin wasn't a pushover, but normally she didn't push back against me specifically. My tits were bigger than hers, and I lorded that fact over her head ever since we'd met.


I don't know if I'd ever really felt bad about it until today. Not in this timeline.


"Sorry Mei, let's just get our coffee and groceries. I promise we can talk about things when we get home.. I don't know if I like feeling so.. Prideful." I sighed while strolling up to her.


My apology seemed to have appeased her somewhat, given the light smile she flashed and the feeling of her warm tiny fingers wrapping around my hand.


"O-oh! I'm sorry, please excuse me ladies." An older woman said with a slight blush on her face as she stepped to the side allowing us to cut in front of her in the line at the coffee shop.


That's when I realized everyone was looking at us. Mei and I had the biggest tits in the store most likely, and it was painfully obvious.


"Alice! Mei! Good morning hunnie bunnies, what can I get you today?" A familiar voice called out from behind the counter.


"Jayne!" I giggled, excited to see a friend probably due to the isolation of just staying home for the last few days. I practically dragged Mei right past everyone who was waiting until a woman with pretty sizeable tits stepped out to confront us.


"What do you think you're doing bug bites?" The woman snarled. The words coming out of her mouth instantly made me angry. Calling my tits small? Was she fucking insane? The nerve!


"Who the fuck are you calling bug bites you damn heifer." I snapped back. The feeling of Mei Lin's trembling reverberated through my hand and I-


"Um, excuse me. Ms. Heifer bitch. You do realize who you just insulted right? Maybe your’re blind as a bat but that's Alice_in_Wonderlust. Anyone with a brain could tell how much bigger her tits are than yours that's for sure. Unless you somehow can't see the watermelons right in front of your face." Jayne snickered with a knowing smile while shooting me a sly wink.


Everyone in line was now staring at the 'Karen' in front of me, who was getting progressively more embarrassed every second. She stared at my tits in utter disbelief with hints of envy. "W-wonderlust?! I- I'm so sorry, I um I need n-new contacts!" She feigned in a desperate attempt to save face before darting off.


"What the fuck.." I heard Mei whisper under her breath beside me.


I giggled, glad to be out of that situation and happy that Jayne stood up for me. Finally able to get our coffee I strolled up confidently to the counter while Mei followed me somewhat sheepishly.


"Thank you Jayne, honestly this happens way too often. Anyway, I'd like a big-bitty hot chocolate with nonfat milk, 180 degrees, 7 mocha 8 vanilla, steamed like a flat white, no whip extra mocha drizzle, and 1 shot of espresso on top.


"Coming right up for you hunnie, and what about you Miss Mei? The usual I presume?" Jayne asked my girlfriend who only nodded in response.


"She's been a bit anxious; her mother is visiting tomorrow." I said while giving Mei Lin's hand a soft squeeze of reassurance.


"Ohh, yep that'll do it. Coming right up bunnies." Jayne chuckled as she walked into the side kitchen to deliver the order, probably to Charles since he also usually worked Tuesday mornings.


"Sooo, how's the project coming along?" Jayne was honestly one of the most entertaining people I knew. She had an air of fun and freedom that I found refreshing.


Though it was a bit… New? Mei and I had exchanged several glances as I gossiped away with the transwoman. We previously had only ever known her as Jason, but at the same time we also only ever knew her as Jayne now.


We'd gotten along then, but there was something missing in those old memories. A spark of life that Jayne clearly had in spades. Though it made sense why. Her tits were as big as Mei Lin's and practically ripping apart her green apron.


Cosmetic surgery wasn't uncommon, and by the DD Hierarchical Society's guidelines, breast enhancement procedures didn't invalidate a woman from the social class of her new size. It was actually a pretty good way to boost your own social status relatively easily though not everyone did it. Trans people were also vastly more accepted compared to our old world and the easy access to quality surgery was a major factor as well. Meaning women who did transition, always had the option to put themselves higher in the hierarchy if they had the money for it, and it didn't cost nearly as much as it had.


There were natural breast puritans out there but they were a minority. I preferred my own to be natural but that didn't mean anything about anyone else. Huge tits were Huge Tits.




As the line thinned down, Jayne and I continued our conversation between orders. Mei sat alone at a nearby table scrolling through her phone. There was a pang of guilt whenever I looked back at her. I remembered now; Mei Lin never mentioned it before, but I could tell she was jealous of my friendship with Jayne… And a part of me didn't seem that bothered by it.


I was about to go back to sit with her when a tall, pale, ripped, butch goth woman with purple hair rushed out of the kitchen with our drinks. "Sorry Madame Wonderlust, Miss Mei, Miss Jayne.. Charles fucked it up half way-"


"Say no more babydoll, I'll whip that boy into shape. You just keep working on getting good enough that I can finally fire his ass!" Jayne reassured her coworker before yelling the last part into the kitchen.


"Oh uh, thanks Vivian." I muttered warmly. A shame her tits were no bigger than lemons. She was pretty damn hot. Maybe… A new toy to keep Claire company? No, that wasn't right either, and why was I contemplating on turning Vivian into my bee-sting bitch? The largest conflictions of my opposing mentalities clashing over these confusing thoughts gave me a headache. “Here, you've earned it." I said handing her a $20 tip before reaching into my wallet and also putting $35 into Jayne's tip jar.


"Oh Madame, I don't-” Vivian started before Jayne cut her off.

“Wow, look at you go babydoll; getting high praise from a woman of such prestige! Better keep that under your pillow. Now shoo baby” Jayne waved off the goth back into the kitchen.


"See you later Jayne." I giggled as I grabbed the drinks and headed off to sit with Mei Lin.


"Take care hunnies!"


"Ugh" Mei huffed when I sat down, not even bothering to look up at me.


"Mei, what's wrong?"




"Don't lie to me."


"Don't tell me what to do." Mei's defiance surprised me more than it should have.


"I'm just doing what makes me happiest." I whispered, conflicted.


"I'm going to start shopping; I'll meet you back here later." Mei Lin stated, as she got up and walked away with her drink, only stopping to look at me once, and it broke my heart.


"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Said an unfamiliar voice, it was an older man, maybe in his early thirties.


"Not anymore." I grumbled, taking a sip from my still hot drink, which hurt but I honestly didn't care.


The man smiled and set down his laptop before sitting down in front of me.


"Wait.. Have I seen you before? Um um, Professor Chandler, Quantum Mechanics right?" I asked, the guy seeming very familiar.


"Yeah, Winston. We did a project together once a few years ago actually in 101." He chuckled while logging into his computer.


"Oh.. Oh! that's right! I don't really talk to people in class much." I admitted feeling a bit awkward for not knowing a guy who I'd probably shared a lot of the same courses with. I studied a pretty narrow field of science.


"I'm not surprised, you're probably the smartest person at the university, and I mean that. Including the professors. Your study regimen must be brutal." He said scratching his chin while staring intently at his computer. Not once did I feel his eyes on my chest..


"Are you gay?" I asked out loud, completely ignoring the compliment. I felt a bit of discomfort in just asking a personal question like that, even if it was something this version of me wouldn't think twice about.


Winston arched his brow as he looked up at my face quizzically. "No, why?"


"Well… uh," I wasn't prepared to answer, but I may as well just tell the truth. "You haven't looked at my tits since you sat down. I guess I'm just not… Used to that." I admitted, feeling somewhat subconscious about my body for the first time in a long time.


"Oh." Winston replied. He came off a bit shyer than I had initially expected, but after looking around to make sure there weren't too many people nearby he visibly relaxed. "It's not really something I think about much." He shrugged, turning his attention back to the laptop.


"I hope I didn't… Offend you? I'm just not the kind of person that cares what people look like." He added.


To be completely honest, I was a little offended. My tits were my most defining feature and I loved them oh so very much, and yet something else Winston said stood out to me. "No, it's alright. Refreshing actually." I reassured before pausing as it occurred to me exactly what he'd just said before my rude question.


"You think I'm the smartest?" Most people don’t tend to really talk about my intelligence, at least not to my face. Typically, my tits took up all the air in any room I was in.


"It's not an opinion to be frank." He chuckled with a warm smile, a slight glimmer behind his soft brown eyes. "There's literally no doubt you'll be valedictorian. You basically have perfect scores as far as anyone is aware. A lot of the guys in the AVC have a bet going that you'll either be the next Einstein or Marylin."


"AVC?" I asked, squirming slightly while I sipped more of my hot chocolate. Knowing people talked about my body was flattering enough, if not a bit stale, but about my intelligence? It gave me butterflies. A shame I wasn't into men, Winston was sweet.


"A very secret club." He said with a serious flat tone, followed by a hearty laugh after breaking character. "The name is pretty dumb, although accurate. The only people who know about it are those who manage to discover and solve secret clues all around campus. They're pretty damn tough too. I'm a bit surprised you never found them." Winston was clearly enjoying himself, despite revealing the supposedly super secret club just because I asked.


"Interesting." There was an underlying playfulness in my voice. It wouldn't hurt to flirt just a little right? Not like I'd actually fall for him, the poor guy. "Too much time studying and doing my make up most likely." I teased with a light giggle. "So, what did you bet?"


"What do you mean?" Winston closed his laptop, clearly as equally engrossed in the conversation. His eyes grazed my ample cleavage for the first time and he immediately blushed, forcing his eyes to look anywhere else.


"What path do you think my legacy will follow? Albert Einstein or Marilyn Monroe?" A silly notion, not that I particularly minded.


"Oh! Oh yeah, well I never actually made one. I've just thought it would be best to leave your future up to you I guess. See how things turn out without putting any stakes in it, if that makes any sense."


"No, I get it and I appreciate the sentiment. I just have one more question; what made you decide to sit with me if you're not interested in my boobs?" Something inside of me wanted desperately to know why.


"Ok, that's tough." He sighed. "I happened to see what happened between you and that girl." Winston started; it wasn't long till he was blushing again. "I just wanted to see if I could maybe help you feel a little bit better, if anything."


Too cute. "Well, you've certainly succeeded Sir." I pulled out a sticky note and pen from my purse, quickly jotting down my phone number and sliding over the piece of paper. "Text me one of those puzzles and we'll see if they're as hard as you claim." I winked while standing up to leave.


But when I looked around I didn't see Mei Lin anywhere… "You know what, I have some extra time. If you wouldn't mind." I said, slowly sitting and down.


* *


Mei Lin


To say I was annoyed would be an understatement. Alice and I were never really that sociable, until now. Even when I started streaming an entire reality ago, our lives were relatively private. It was just the two of us, and we were happy.


Our relationships before the last timeline were rocky, if not entirely deceitful. It started when Alice admitted she loved my tits instead of me.. I made her a lesbian and she freaked out on me. I panicked and made her my sexpet of all things, just trying to enforce some authority over her to keep us together. I basically ended up as a god damn predator, and not the cool alien kind.


"I'm a fucking idiot." I muttered to myself as I pushed the cart down the long isles. Stopping every so often to solemnly grab whatever was on the list. In truth I'd rather start throwing things. I made our relationship perfect too, but it didn't feel perfect. Not right now. Even if deep down I understood it was, we'd get through this as a couple but as individuals?


I just didn't know right now.


"Excuse me, Ma'am? I didn't mean to be rude or anything but are you.. Crying?" A stranger's voice called from my side.


"I- oh.. Yeah I guess I am." I sniffled, chuckling pitifully, about to wipe my wet eyes with my hands.


"Here, mom would never let me leave without one." The stranger said, handing me a piece of cloth. Looking up I was met with the sympathetic gaze of a tall dark-skinned man, who seemed a bit younger than me. The handkerchief was red and decorated with gold embroidery; memories of home creeped up from the back of my mind.


 No, not home.. I tried to think, but with two worlds where I'd grown up mostly in China, it was hard not to associate it with home.


"Thank you.. My mother would kill me if she knew I was crying in public." I attempted to say nonchalantly, yet unable to fully hide the sting of truth behind my words; pulling out my phone to use as a mirror and surgically cleaning the wetness from my face, careful not to ruin my makeup any more than it already had been.


"Yeah? Seems like you're going through a lot. Do you maybe want to talk about it? I'm only just grabbing one or two extra supplies for my birthday tomorrow." He explained, holding up a small tub of chocolate.


I couldn't help but giggle lightly. It was painfully obvious that he found me attractive, even without the occasional glance at my tits. The attention felt surprisingly alleviating, almost relaxing. "Would you mind accompanying me while I shopped?" Responding with a question of my own while beginning to walk away. After a second or two of contemplation he made his decision and quickly caught up.


"Dan by the way, and I hope I'm not being too forward in saying that you're really pretty." Dan professed with a look of dorky confidence.


"I'm Mei Lin, and no, not at all; I enjoy the flattery and the attention." I admitted, more to myself than anything else. Dan was practically drooling over the sight of my huge tits, and I even encouraged it. With a practiced gait and posture, I made sure the view would be particularly satisfying. Something special I used to do for Alice, but this time it would be for myself.


"That's a cute name, it's Japanese right?" He guessed before stopping to think for a second. "I'm sure you're more than used to it. You know. Given you're uh.. Size." Dan choked out.


"Chinese, but I don't expect people to be able to tell." Correcting people on my race and ethnicity was nothing new no matter what world I was in. "Oh, sure but.." I wanted a different kind of attention. I wanted Alice's.


Alice and I had been together for so long, in multiple universes. For the most part we were rather introverted and typically kept to ourselves and each other, but each new reality just made us more social. However, Alice, especially this time, was way more… Self-centered. Prideful, if not egotistical. Which I was too, at least to some degree, mostly due to my last two silver spooned upbringings, and it showed. I was aware of that fact, but that only made it worse. Now that I'm always second to Alice in practically everything, I just-


"Ohh I see." Dan hummed to himself. "Well, they're really nice, and look great on you. Anyone would be lucky to uhh-"


"Touch them? Squeeze them?" I cooed with a devilish smile. It wasn't really like me to act out like this… Or maybe it was? My identity had become so increasingly diffuse through so many iterations. That realistically, I simply didn't have the mental bandwidth to bother trying to figure out who I actually was while in the middle of the frozen yogurt aisle.


"Y-yeah." Dan fell silent and took his eyes off my body, leaving me feeling surprisingly cold next to the freezers. The lack of adoration, of praise and attention, that's what the chill really was. Dan had twisted around as if to check for something or someone but I hadn't been paying attention.


"Could you help me out and grab two jugs of milk?"


Dan turned back to me and blinked for a second before realizing where we were in the store. "Sure thing, no problem." He nodded and walked over to one of the milk coolers and pulled out a gallon in each hand.


I breathed out gently as he placed them in my still mostly empty cart. "Would you mind grabbing two more?" This time instead of just standing there like a damsel in distress I quickly pressed myself close to him, pinning the stranger's back against the door to a cooler of cream cheese. My small hands took hold of his own and slowly raised them to my chest.


"Daniel! You little rat!" A woman's voice yelled all the way from down by the pizza section. She was mediocre in bust, how tragic.


Interestingly enough, as the woman stomped her way over to us she had started to slow. Something like worry creeped across her face. No doubt because she got a better look at my tits. Inferior women were expected to yield to their betters by default; a biological force enacted by the true nature of women. Certainly, it could be resisted if not outright denied. The compulsion was not too dissimilar from any other natural urge or behavior such as being afraid of bugs.


The social dynamics of this timeline were well known; I honestly felt silly for having to remind myself how things worked now.


"He's yours? No wonder he seems so pent up and unsatisfied." I snickered, gesturing to her chest despite the possibility of poking a hornet's nest from the looks of things. Dan was sweet to me regardless of how minor his gestures might have seemed; girlfriend or not I wouldn't let anyone speak to him this way in front of me.


"H-hold on, Penny." Dan pulled himself away from me to plead his case to the grumpy woman. "This is Mei Lin. She was crying so I-"


"We'll talk about this later." Penny seethed under hushed breath towards Dan. "I'm sorry for any trouble he may have caused Miss Mei Lin.. And you're correct. My breasts can barely satisfy his perverted ass most days, I'm sure you'd be much more capable but he's already spoken for." She explained in a vain attempt to appease me and avoid conflict. Smart.


"Well then, you might want to get a bit of work done to keep this sort of thing from happening again. Else I might just have to try again." I shrugged with pure passive aggression as I began to wheel my cart of milk away and actually get back to what Alice and I had come here for.


"Daniel! I can't believe you! Am I really not enough for you? Don't let yourself be brainwashed by that breast size bullshit. That was humiliating." Penny chastised Dan as I left.


There was some kind of twisted catharsis in making another girl jealous like that. Besides, Dan was admittedly pretty hot and Penny wasn't hard on the eyes either. She just needed an attitude adjustment and better tits.


I spent the rest of my journey through the store thinking about using my body to seduce the hell out of Daniel. Though it was just a silly fantasy born from the frustration I felt towards myself in regards to my relationship with Alice. At least until I remembered his handkerchief had been left in my cart.


Looking it over I found something that made me both excited and uneasy. Daniel's phone number.. It wouldn't hurt to text him sometime so I could return the item to the guy right?


However, before I could really contemplate that train of thought after logging the stranger into my contacts, I got a call text from Claire and my blood froze.


* *


"Your IQ is what 160?" Winston asked as he returned from politely throwing away my long since empty cup.


"Try 180." I smirked while giving him a daringly playful look as his eyes widened in disbelief. The threshold of my intelligence had been far greater than Elizabeth's by comparison but I would have to check the cube's logs again when we got home.


Though it seemed I wouldn't have long to wait after Mei Lin ran up to the table, having just come in from outside the store. I assumed she'd probably already bought and carried the groceries to the car. A very on brand move for my girlfriend if anything.


"Alice, you haven't been answering my texts! We have to go, Millie's at the house and I have milk in the car."


I just stared at Mei Lin as my face went pale.


"Millie? Oh yeah she talks about you a lot during VSC," Winston chimed in with a shrug, pulling out his laptop from his bag as he sensed our lovely conversation had come to an end. "It was nice getting to talk to you Alice." He smiled at me. "Don't let me keep you two, don't want the milk to spoil."