
Top 5 Risks Involved When Working in Confined Areas

Houston, TX - August 2022 – Confined spaces refer to enclosed areas where the surroundings or presence of dangerous materials have the potential to cause serious injury, for example, mines, basements, sewers, drains, containers, and silos. Your workers may have to enter confined areas for maintenance and repair purposes. This is why gas detectors should be installed in confined spaces for safety reasons. Green Light Safety offers efficient gas detector repair in Houston, TX.


If your job requires you to enter confined areas, exercise caution. Even if there aren't any apparent dangers present, being confined may limit your ability to move. Due to this, escape may become challenging, and risks may have far more severe effects. Following are the top few hazards involved in working in confined spaces.


Lack of oxygen

In a confined area, the oxygen supply may be limited, and the presence of certain gases may further completely eliminate oxygen. A reaction between some soils and oxygen, or between groundwater and limestone or chalk, can result in the production of carbon dioxide, which replaces oxygen in the atmosphere. Lack of oxygen may result from rust building up inside tanks. Working in such a place can lead to unconsciousness and death.


Gases and vapors

Confined spaces are particularly susceptible to the buildup of poisonous vapors and gases due to poor ventilation. For instance, toxic gas leaking from polluted land or damaged gas pipes can enter the area. Alternatively, welding, paint fumes, and adhesives can also generate such harmful gases. These gases and fumes have the potential to produce a toxic atmosphere in confined spaces without filtration or ventilation. Green Light safety offers highly-efficient gas detection equipment rental in Houston, TX.



The body's temperature can rise dangerously in response to demanding construction activity, heated environments, or naturally-occurring heat. When you are present in confined locations that are challenging to evacuate from, even on the best of days, this can quickly develop into a crisis. Due to a space's enclosed structure, heat can build swiftly. It often results in heat intolerance, fainting, and heatstroke.



In confined spaces, dust can accumulate due to natural factors or as a result of the work being done, such as drilling or grinding. Inhaling too much dust can lead to lung issues, and toxic dust can even be deadly. Accumulation of dust can also increase the chance of an explosion or fire, particularly in areas with poor ventilation.


Explosive matter

The possibility of fire and explosions can increase with the presence of ignitable dust, chemicals, gases, and fumes in the confined environment. Using heated tools or other potentially explosive items in such spaces amplifies the risks even more. Do you recall how a lack of oxygen can be harmful? That is not the only reason to worry. Excess oxygen is also hazardous as it increases fire and explosion risks.


About: Green Light Safety is a reliable safety company that specializes in sales, service, and gas detection equipment rental as well as calibration of the equipment. They have over 15 years of experience in the industry and provide one of the best gas detector repairs in Houston, TX. To learn more, call (832) 262-9931.