
How to Use Women Pads and Tampons Correctly For A Better Health?


Using women pads and tampons are the most convenient options to deal with menstruation. But, do you know how to use them correctly to get maximum protection from germs? Continue reading this article to find out a complete routine.


Menstruation, as all of you would agree, is one of the most important processes of a female body which requires utmost care and attention. The women pads and tampons that are created to use during menstruation are highly chosen over other products. These are both easy to use and gentle on the skin. However, there are a certain set of methods that should be followed in order to use them correctly without compromising on the comfort and keeping hygiene in mind.


Poor and unhealthy sanitation habits may lead to serious health issues which can get difficult to be dealt with later on. Hence, inculcating a healthy menstruation routine from the very beginning goes a long way. No matter what you use during periods, be sure to be aware of their usage and disposal.


Here is an easy and hygienic routine to incorporate before, during and after menstruation -


Wash your genitalia correctly:


Washing your vagina regularly with or without periods is a pivotal habit everyone should practice. Especially during periods when you remove your pad or tampon, the bacteria still clings to your vagina and if you put a fresh one without completely washing or splashing some water to your genitalia, the bacteria continues to stay for longer. For a better protection against bacteria, find antibacterial sanitary napkins online or offline.


The correct way to wash your genitalia is using your hands in motion from vagina to the anus. When you are away from home, either in office or in college where you cannot wash thoroughly, consider splashing some water every time you pee or change your menstrual product.


Slip on a Fresh product as often as you need:


A pad or a tampon, no matter what you choose, always makes sure to change into new ones as often as you need. Be it XL sanitary pads which offer maximum absorption and protection from leakage, you still need to change into fresh ones depending on your flow. Even if the flow is light, you still should not stay in the same one for longer. When you are on the last day of periods and the flow is a lot lighter, try regular pads and again change as often as required. At night, always slip on a new one before going to bed and another one as soon as you wake up.


This will not only establish a healthy vaginal hygiene but will also curb the growth of harmful organisms which grow in warm blood and produce various infections, rashes and even urinary tract diseases.


Ace the art of disposal:


Disposing your sanitary pads is an important step that should not be taken for granted. Be it a pad or a tampon, always remember to wrap it well till the product completely camouflages either in a newspaper or toilet paper to avoid the bacteria to spread further. Do not ever flush them as they clog the toilet and make the water to come up spreading bacteria and creating mess. Even if you are using a public toilet, make sure to keep it clean as you would do at home. Always wash your hands and use a sanitizer every time you change a pad or a tampon as you are likely to be touching the stained area.


Use a panty liner:


Panty liners are typically used during non-period days to soak up the regular vaginal discharge and keep you dry and clean. Inculcating the habit of using panty liners from a young age goes a long way. Wearing a panty liner means you will have a protective barrier going on between your vagina and panty. You will change them as often as you need and whenever you find it soiled. This way your body won’t be in touch with wetness or bacteria for long. Panty liner brands today have come up with different variants and are easily available both online and offline.