
Wollongong Decking


Here are 4 tips that will help you plan and execute your project effortlessly:


Hire The Right Person: Start by typing in Google: “Wollongong Decking”. You will see a list of deck builders in the Wollongong area. Don’t rush to pick the first one. Take your time to read their reviews then short list 2-3 that have good reviews. Reach out to them and discuss what kind of deck you want them to build. Ask them for a quote and hire the one who you like the most gives you a good deal, and has good experience building decks. 


Planning And Cost: Next, research the kind of deck you want to build. Calculate the cost of material and labor then see if you have enough money to build the deck. If not you will need to arrange some loans either through a bank or a low interest credit card.  You could also approach a few stores and see if they will give you the material on easy payment plans. Also speak with your deck builder if he would be willing to make payment arrangements with you. Finally, you could also look for deals online. You could end up saving 10-15% if you were to shop online and you may not even need to borrow money. 


Choosing Deck Material: Now you need to decide what kind of material and finish you want for your deck. You have many options to build your deck including treated wood, natural wood, and even vinyl. The material you choose will depend on your budget and how you want your deck to look. 


Licensing and Paperwork: The last thing you need to do is to get permits from the city and HOA. Call your city office and ask them or ask your deck builder if you need a permit to build a deck. If you have an HOA you will also need to get approval from them. Your builder should be able to help you get all the licensing and permits. 


And that is it. You are now ready to build your perfect deck.