
What is Mangal Dosha?

Mangal Dosha

Mangal dosha is a major factor in marriage horoscope. We analyze its impacts and ways to rectify the manglik doshas.


One of the most debatable topics in Vedic astrology is mangal dosha. For long decades, mangal dosha has been considered a weapon to blame many people, especially while fixing marriages. The words manglik dosha, mangal dosha, and kuja dosha have become scariest terms, especially for girls. 


Most often we see a delay in marriage or any horoscope issue connected with mangal dosha. But is mangal dosha so severe? Or what is mangal dosha and how relevant it is?  


 What is manglik/kuja dosha


As per Vedic astrology, a blemish in the horoscope due to Mars is mangal dosha. It is also called manglik dosha and is believed to negatively impact married life. The impact would be different for different people based on Mars's placement in the horoscope. 


According to a few astrologers, the whole idea and theology of Mangal Dosha is grossly erroneous and wrongly practiced. They opine that Manglik Dosha cannot practically be in a horoscope because a planet (Mars) cannot be so powerful to neutralize the positivity of all the other planets. In addition, other planets will not permit Mars to do the dirty tricks.


Vedic astrology states that Mars is intrinsically a malefic planet, but as lordship and it plays the significant role of a supportive planet in the horoscope.


Does Mars in the second house also create mangal dosha?


No, Mars in the second house will not create mangal dosha. Instead, when Mars is malefic, it creates a problem in the house where it is placed. This means mangal dosha can be rectified with the help of an astrologer. 


How to identify mangal dosha? 


An astrologer evaluated the placement of Mars in the 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, 8th house, and 12th house in a horoscope. The Moon sign is evaluated to identify the mangal dosha. 


Many astrology websites offer assistance to identify mangal dosha and suggest remedies to rectify them. Some websites such as Cyber Astro even offer online consultation with expert astrologers who will analyze your horoscope for better results. 


Consulting an astrologer personally is important as the potency may be different for each person which decides high mangal dosha, low mangal dosha, or even anshik mangal dosha.  


Does mangal/kuja dosha end after the age of 28 years?


One of the biggest myths is that mangal dosha automatically ends after the 28th birthday. But this is utterly incorrect. Instead, a dosha present in the horoscope will remain there throughout life. Vedic astrology states that Mars enters into a different form after the 28th year of the native age and its fierceness or energy gets channelized.


Is it possible to get rid of manglik dosha?


Astrology texts state that Mangal Dosha cannot be completely removed and it will be present in one form or another. 


Can manglik/kuja dosha delay the marriage?


Yes, mangal dosha can delay marriage. One of the prominent and visible impacts of mangal dosha is delayed marriage. However, it needs to be noted that Mars alone is not the cause for the delay but some other planets also have a role in it. Mars is just aggravating the issue. And the best way to tackle this issue is to consult an astrologer and learn suitable remedies.


Who can help to find remedies?


One of the best options is to consult Cyber Astro. With two-decade experience in online astrology services, including online future predictions, Cyber Astro is a reliable name that thousands of people rely upon for horoscope issues. There is a panel of expert astrologers whom you can personally consult and understand the remedies. In addition, you can also know the future.


Mangal dosha is one of the major issues related to the horoscope. However, it is possible to reduce its impact and curb the hassles through specific pujas. Consult an expert astrologer to learn more about it.